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League of Legends
Cpt Obvious
New tank lady is pretty damn fun.
Pic Unrelated.

The kennen clips at 3 and 1 are really pretty amazing Grin

Edited by spaceboy on 16-07-2011 16:52

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
I miss innervating locket.
Server switching can't come soon enough.
Ha ha ha Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Had a game the other day with 1 french, 1 spanish and 1 german... oh the racist spam against each other >.<
Cpt Obvious
The new art style mentioned some time ago is slowly being patched in.


Edited by Cpt Obvious on 26-07-2011 05:15

YouTube Video

One of these looks fun and interesting to play.
I'd like the ground pound and pole vault from HoN

But I'd like the nimbus dash and ulti from LoL

As lame as it is to spin around, its better then giving him Teemo's W as an ulti...

Would have been cool to give him a Lux type ulti, where he smashes his staff down while extending it a large distance.

Now this looks like a cool Trynd skin. :3
It's a legendary skin with a new voice over, which sucks pretty hard.
A lot of the Riot staffers have been tweeting saying that something big is happening this week... those little teases! I hope it's more exciting than, I dunno, spectator mode being released Frown
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Unless it's server switching I don't give a fuck. I can't stand this anymore. I had 3 people queue dodge in a row because I wouldn't ban Mord and 2 more because I banned either TF or Yoric. Though with me being team leader 6 queues in a row we would've probably lost anyways, I only have 3 ranked wins from ages ago, if my ELO is that much higher in comparison then damn.

All I wanted was a Kayle skin, though I feel a bit better after seeing it's just Ashe with wings.

Edited by tomregev on 03-08-2011 17:19

I think it's 10 of any game type over the course of season one (so you already qualify, as does basically everyone). Although Yorick isn't such an issue since he got the slight nerfs and TF is also less of a an issue now he has less range, honestly mord probably is a better ban at around 1250 ELO, as you know your carry is just going to get ghosted 100% of the time Sad
Bans really do vary wildly across ELO just because of some champs being hard to deal with until a certain point, and then it becomes that very few people care (for instance once you get to a point people know how to kite then suddenly a whole load of champs drop in viability)
I wish >I< knew how to kite! Grin Also I've noticed I've got an ip boost that's going to time out super soon on my EU account (only logged in to by me the Chosen Yi skin on sale) .... guess I'll have to play a game at some point to get something out of it.
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!


Page wrote:
I think it's 10 of any game type over the course of season one (so you already qualify, as does basically everyone). Although Yorick isn't such an issue since he got the slight nerfs and TF is also less of a an issue now he has less range, honestly mord probably is a better ban at around 1250 ELO, as you know your carry is just going to get ghosted 100% of the time Sad
Bans really do vary wildly across ELO just because of some champs being hard to deal with until a certain point, and then it becomes that very few people care (for instance once you get to a point people know how to kite then suddenly a whole load of champs drop in viability)

TF can still get to any lane from mid, where he'll be 90% of the time and he can still get vision of your entire team. Instead of being total bullshit he's just bullshit now.

Yoric still wins against almost every champ in a solo lane, the ones he can't beat only come out even with him.

Mord is a useless sack of hp that's countered by not standing behind your minions and paying 1.4k gold on a QSS. Not to mention his only trick is ghosting a carry, Yoric doesn't need a kill to do that.

Edited by tomregev on 03-08-2011 19:25

Rofl teh cake
you expect too much from unranked players. He IS the biggest threat in that elo.


tomregev wrote:
TF can still get to any lane from mid, where he'll be 90% of the time and he can still get vision of your entire team. Instead of being total bullshit he's just bullshit now.

Easily countered by being ghosted by Mord


tomregev wrote:
Yoric still wins against almost every champ in a solo lane, the ones he can't beat only come out even with him.



tomregev wrote:
Mord is a useless sack of hp that's countered by not standing behind your minions and paying 1.4k gold on a QSS. Not to mention his only trick is ghosting a carry, Yoric doesn't need a kill to do that.

1.4k on a QSS? It's hard enough to get people around 1200 ELO to even know what one is let alone how/when to use it and spend money that could instead be spent on stacking phantom dancers, or infinity edges. Oh and who wouldn't want to hide behind/in the middle of their minions, it's the safest place to be right?

Your arguments are valid for good players, however you have to adjust for the competition (and team mates) and as Cake says, around 1200 ELO sucks, the people who are around there are mostly people who have just hit lvl 30 (or who are unable to beat people who have only just hit lvl 30) and who have up until that point mostly played solo queue and don't have the same experience of learning teamwork whilst levelling up. For instance taking sivir and constantly solo pushing lanes and dying will get you to lvl 30 with a pretty good win/loss ratio (I know someone who does that - they're not very good but they win regardless).

Essentially you'd probably easily be 1400 ELO (and probably quite a bit higher), but to get there you have to use pubstomp champs and then switch to proper champs when you get higher up the ratings (especially if you're the captain whilst still pretty low ELO yourself - the rest will likely be really bad)
Sooooo, Riot's big thing is : Dominion

Looks like LoL with the addition of control points... not sure how that'll actually end up playing but I suppose it could be good? It'll at least have some novelty value after playing Summoner's Rift for sooooo long. Sounds like it's not gonna be out in the immediate future though as they're talking about showing it off at cons etc.. which is a lil disappointing as I was hoping for something actually concrete this week rather than just an announcement..but whatever.

Edit: Eurogamer Preview (doesn't give much added information)

Edit 2: PC Gamer Preview (shorter but a lot more informative)


Edited by spaceboy on 04-08-2011 15:59

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
If they're gonna get stomped by Mord they're gonna get stomped so much harder by Yoric and TF. I honestly don't see how you can argue against that.
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