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League of Legends
I want to get the tree dude just for the sounds his acorns make. :3
Do we know how much he is? I've heard his ratios are quite good so might be able to play him as a straight out AP caster?
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
The patch isn't out yet on the US server but we should know pretty soon.

Don't know about his AP ratios but he has no survivability beyond his ult and all his spells are close range so I think if you go AP you'll just explode. Sion has a stun, a shield and a way to farm hp, Alistar and Cho are naturally tanky so they can get away with ap builds (the only build for Sion pretty much), but I don't think it'll work here.

Edited by tomregev on 16-02-2011 21:03

Rofl teh cake


Spaceboy wrote:
Do we know how much he is? I've heard his ratios are quite good so might be able to play him as a straight out AP caster?

I don't care how much he costs, the spotlight video made me transfer 10€ to my paypal. Support and Tank? Take my money Riot!

Oh, and US confirmed 6k!

Edited by Rofl teh cake on 16-02-2011 22:03



I think I'd rather just mash F5.
you guys just don't stop talking do you Shock
YouTube Video

YouTube Video
Cpt Obvious
Damn patch better come tomorrow.
I heard good stuff about new ryze. Apparently he does better then old ryze by just stacking mana, cdr and mpen without needing any ap.
So the perfect anti-veigar?
Cpt Obvious
Yep, americans already playing saying ryze is the revival of tanky mages now.

Core build is apparently
Catalyst > Banshee
Boots of choice
Frozen Heart
Possibly another Catalyst.

People say Rod of Ages is not worth it and archangel is maybe worth it as last item.

Im now more looking forward to new ryze then maokai.
I've heard a lot of people actually turning the tear into manamune, it sounds crazy at first but his ap ratios are really bad and with the crazy mana pool you're going to have you'll be hitting hard with both spells and auto attacks.

Btw was ryze always 1350? I thought he was 450.

Edited by tomregev on 18-02-2011 00:09

Cpt Obvious
yep always 1350
The new artwork and nexus explosion effect are really neat. Is coop vs Ai not released yet or is it just grayed out due to server load?
Cpt Obvious
not released yet.
Yeah I think they're implementing some backend hardware stuff so the Coop vs AI doesn't screw up the servers' performance in general.. and they wanted to kick it off away from patch time so there was less chance of everything immediately breaking as obviously that's when the server population is at its peak Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Decided to give it a shot, after ignoring its existance for so long. Summoner name is tsmike, but it'll probably take me ages to figure everything out.

Just checking I've got this right, the Champions with exclamation points are free to play and the free champions get rotated every week?
Cpt Obvious
correct mike.

For little beginner tip, learn to last hit minions.
Aka only attack the little ones when you are sure your attack will be a killing blow.
Then hopefully the enemies will attack more and end up near your tower, making them safer to attack and possibly kill.


Mike wrote:
Decided to give it a shot, after ignoring its existance for so long. Summoner name is tsmike, but it'll probably take me ages to figure everything out.

Just checking I've got this right, the Champions with exclamation points are free to play and the free champions get rotated every week?

One of us! One of us!

For some starter tips- like Obvious say learn to last hit, don't be too far away from a tower when enemy champion are missing as they might be on their way to jump you.

Even if you're a DPS champ you still want to build some armor or magic resist depending on their team, Banshees Veil is the best MR item, armor items are a bit more situational. you don't have to finish the item if it's going to delay your damage items, Just throwing on a negatron cloak or a chain vest will do wonders to your survivability.

Save your IP for runes, you can buy tier 1 runes as they're dirt cheap, don't buy tier2. Play with free champs for the time being, it will help you learn each champions abilities weaknesses. Don't feel compelled to buy champions early on but if you do some of the 450 champs are really good despite the low cost (Sivir, Nunu, Ashe. Not Yi, never Yi). You can also get Tristana for free by liking LoL on facebook and then clicking a link on their site.

Don't build a phantom dancer. Ever. Buy wards.

Edited by tomregev on 19-02-2011 14:01

Cpt Obvious


tomregev wrote:Don't build a phantom dancer. Ever.

Tryndamere disagrees.

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 19-02-2011 15:01

But he's Tryndamere.
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