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League of Legends
The new hero looks really fun. And a fury/rage bar? About time they started to mess about with that sort of stuff in my opinion. ;D
Yeah he looks great, but got to keep in mind that he's been nerfed since the spotlight so there's no telling if he's still that good or another irelia.
Cpt Obvious
Renekton must be the most useless new champion since Urgot, no matter what ive build as him he is just shit.
Tiny range, needs too much stats, dies instantly if not built tank.
I've seen effective and shit Renektons about. He seems very gear dependent, and needs an early feed to get the ball rolling otherwise he lags behind until endgame (where if it goes for long enough he can sort his gear out).

Sometimes best way to learn the new champs is not to play them, let others do it and watch for any good ones then copy them!
Rofl teh cake
I'm torn between buying Irelia or croc... I'll just wait it out.
Cpt Obvious

Karma sounds fun. And ultimate that is available always... very interesting.



Edited by Cpt Obvious on 01-02-2011 07:09

Hooray for a further, albeit slight, Cass buff Grin

What do we think about the Renekton changes? Will he be viable now?

I'll be very interested to see how the early game changes with the Dorans' price increase.. is it gonna make it more action packed with harassment mattering more, or are people just gonna be super passive if they don't have a health pot? I'll probably start going Meki+pots on a lot of my casters now...
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
The mp/5 runes change is gonna be a bitch and make Vlad and Kennen even more annoying. The base regen change is pretty insignificant since while it means you gain more mana until lvl4 after that you're at a loss, which comes at the point where Vlad and Kennen start getting dangerous.

Oh hey they even buffed Vlad. Grin

Edited by tomregev on 01-02-2011 16:18

Anyone else catch the Riot vs Bots game?

The new bot AI looks... evil.
Curses! I forgot about that.. oh well I'm sure they'll have a VoD up at some point Smile Yeah I imagine that if nothing else the Annie bot will be absolutely amazing given the rich path that Ryze bot has troddden before her!
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
You didn't miss much, bots still towerdive like morons and just stand around dumbfounded, they sometimes switch lanes and try to gank but nothing they did really impressed. The riot people were trying to suck as hard as they can to make the bots look awesome and it was just embarrassing.
Cpt Obvious

duel arena ulti sounds weird.
Liking the treeman.
The arena thing sounds cool but I really doubt it will end up as anything other than maybe a taunt, since a melee carry that can force a 1V1 pretty much gets a free kill.

Treeman sounds ok though his ult seems kinda counterproductive as they say it drains a fuckton of mana but reduces cooldowns, but what's the point of cooldown reduction if you don't have the mana to cast anything? I wish he was a proper tank and not an offtank support.

This is so much better than those awful videos. Vlad and Annivia nerfs sound good, another Rammus nerf though and this time it's a pretty big one Sad. I wouldn't mind the speed reduction if they'd just allow me to ghost powerball through minions which will also free me from taking flash all the time.

New Ryze sounds interesting though I don't know why they say it's a brand new champion type since sustained magic damage is what Cassiopeia is all about. Can't wait for all the OMG they ruined Ryze posts. Grin
Cpt Obvious
Magic machine gun, im thinking he basically spams low cost spells instead of autoattacls.
Yeah this is what they've been planning for Ryze for a while, I've really been looking forward to it Grin Although as Tom pointed out Cass does fill a similar role.. and I really think this kind of archetype may suffer a bit until there's some decent spell vamp itemisation in the game. That said I already really like playing Ryze with Archangel + RoA and if he's going to scale off mana even more and have better range this should work out great Smile
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
Patch delayd by unknown amount of time. Sometimes this week.

To cover up for the loss:

YouTube Video
Cpt Obvious
Patch notes are up.
Also new spotlight on tube.


All these damn CDR item changes make me replan my runes and mastery setups all over again agh...

# Doran's Shield

* Fixed a bug where it said it provided 9 armor but actually provided 8
* Armor increased to 10 from 8

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 16-02-2011 11:42

I know Anivia was pretty damn strong but damn.

New ryze looks like a joke, I'll use my ult to gain 45 extra damage! fuck yeah!

Fuck Vlad, those pool changes will hopefully make his towerdive at 6 less bullshit.

I don't get the new item, those extra 15 ap and 2mp per sec are nothing compared to DFG's active and it's only 300g cheaper. I can't think of anyone beside maybe Lux who would rather have this over DFG.
Yeah they've already said they're very likely to buff the new AP/CDR item.. cos yeah, I can't see the point in using it... even if DFG didn't have an amazing active which is well worth the extra money it builds out of Kage's Pick which effectively counters out the increased cost anyway.

The change to Ryze's ult was a bit weird, spell vamp is generally such a shitty stat that I tend to think they could double the numbers of it everywhere it appears in the game and actually not overpower anything (or at least it'd be worth experimenting with to find out where it does). It'll still be worth using the ult for the AoE effect... and I guess you may as well use it for the spell vamp in 1v1s.. but it doesn't seem like it'll be hugely powerful now.

One thing to bear in mind when considering his other changes is his passive (which initially I didn't I must confess, for anyone who doesn't know, when ryze casts a spell it takes 1 second off all his cooldowns) .. which makes the increased cooldowns on E and his Ult totally understandable given that he'll be spamming Q every couple seconds.

I'll certainly be trying him out anyway to see how he ends up playing, I'm still kinda hopeful he could be good Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
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