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League of Legends
Singed is hard to play, but great if played well, he has a throwback move and a huge speed/regen boost, so hes the perfect inniater to grab the other team's squishyest person and throw em into the middle of your own team!
Cpt Obvious
Its fun, get the best speed boots, improved ghost, ultimate and you run speed of light.
Then rush in the middle of them, suplex the weakest one out, run a lap around them poisoning all then run out.
I just downloaded this since I saw all you fine folks playing it. My username is TimmyA. Add me. Now I'll try and figure out what's going on.
Rofl teh cake
I hope you didn't download the american version.... hi exxy and vixxen Grin
Wicked Vixen


Rofl teh cake wrote:
I hope you didn't download the american version.... hi exxy and vixxen Grin

Shush now ya`ll tmi


Rofl teh cake wrote:
I hope you didn't download the american version.... hi exxy and vixxen Grin

Haha, Wait. Shut up.
I did too. Haha. Will be about to play some tomorrow I think Smile
Devilz Slave
if we do a AT of 5 ppl, all should be in mumble, if not its kinda senseless - also mumble is quite fun with fe and cake, so get on it when playing. Also contact me on steam if you want to play Pfft
Cpt Obvious
New set of available champs.
Ashe Corki Gangplank Gragas Jax Kassadin Morgana Malphite Sivir Veigar.
Awwwww.. I wanted to try out Fiddlesticks some more! Oh wells! I wonder how expensive he is Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Bah i've unlocked half the freebee people, tho least i have my UFO corki skin Grin


Spaceboy wrote:
Awwwww.. I wanted to try out Fiddlesticks some more! Oh wells! I wonder how expensive he is Grin

3150, Happy farming! :3
Teryn (main account)
Orayi (smurf)
Wicked Vixen
Add me on LoL, the name is Lissi Wink
I had my first game where I got 20 kills last night as Fiddle, I'm so glad I got that awesome scarecrow guy Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
horray lets play together spacey Grin


Spaceboy wrote:
I had my first game where I got 20 kills last night as Fiddle, I'm so glad I got that awesome scarecrow guy Grin

Fiddle is completely awesome Grin
Damn it one of you people has to teach me what to do in this game, no matter what champion and what items I get I do piss poor damage and die in 2-3 hits.


tomregev wrote:
Damn it one of you people has to teach me what to do in this game, no matter what champion and what items I get I do piss poor damage and die in 2-3 hits.

Your items has to pretty much depend on what heroes you're up against. I usually start off with a defensive build, and then go strong on damage items.


tomregev wrote:
Damn it one of you people has to teach me what to do in this game, no matter what champion and what items I get I do piss poor damage and die in 2-3 hits.

Tell me a couple champions you want to try play with and i'll either grab a guide for you, or give you a list of items to buy in what order.

Or if I finish this god damned presentation tonight I'll play a game with you on mumble and lane with you Smile
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