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L4D2 Discussion
There's really no point in going back, there's nothing l4d2 didn't improve except for maybe the survivor AI and server finding. It would be interesting to play the old campaigns with the new infected and weapons, The no mercy hospital level might actually be fun for infected with the charger and spitter in play.
Cpt Obvious
Yeh gotta hope some good mappers start to convert the old maps.
Then i can spam louis voice in the proper maps.
Am I the only one here who is still unimpressed with L4D2? :X
Cpt Obvious


Undead2k wrote:
Am I the only one here who is still unimpressed with L4D2? :X

Pretty much and i cant understand why.
L4D2 is 99% upgrade, if you like the first one there should be no reason to NOT like the second one unless your a boycott retard.
Didn't like L4D2 at first. Maybe because I was the only one from my friends who had it and I was stuck with pubs. But now i'm playing it with some mates, and it's hella fun. Def an improvement
Seems that steam really doesn't want me to play this game, now I get an incomplete installation (2) error when starting the game. All steam support has to say is that I should change my file system from FAT32 to NTFS, but it's already set to NTFSHeadbang.

Edited by tomregev on 02-12-2009 21:55



tomregev wrote:
Seems that steam really doesn't want me to play this game, now I get an incomplete installation (2) error when starting the game. All steam support has to say is that I should change my file system from FAT32 to NTFS, but it's already set to NTFSHeadbang.

Set it back to FAT32, and then to NTFS again, see if it recognizes it then.
No, fuck that. There's a limit to how far I'll go to get this fucking game running.

Edited by tomregev on 03-12-2009 11:31

It's your call Grin
Delete the l4d2 files from your comp and give the disk a defrag?
Why not just format and try again? Pfft
Because that's a bullshit solution. Formatting means I have to back up almost 100 gigabytes on on a shitload of dvds, burning all that will take a day and then another day to reinstall and copy the files. I shouldn't have to go through all that to play one fucking game. I would've understood if that happened on my old dying pc but this one's a new, I have it for barely a month, all the drivers are up to date and the hardware haven't even started to gather dust.

I did fix it eventually, one of the drives on my pc, not the one that has steam on it, was set to FAT32 for some reason. Maybe the guy who built it thought it would be funny, I don't know. I converted it to ntfs and just to be on the safe side reinstalled the game for a second time ( Finger ). The game's working at the moment but I'm sure the next patch is going to fuck me over again.

Valve really dropped the ball with this game's stability. At least I know my way around enough to find a fix but an average user facing these problems is just going to say fuck it and ask for their money back.
New drives mostly are shipped to you as fat32 ..
Left 4 Dead 2 Update Released

Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Left 4 Dead 2
Fixed crash on startup when using FAT32 file system

LOLL. Well they fixed it for you now too, though you reeeeeeeeeeally shouldn't have FAT32 anyway.
Mr Waffles
After finishing Dead Center Expert Realism in 1 hour and 49 mins with 8 restarts with me, Mike, Raven and NZfarmer, I though Dark Carnival would be as tough as Dead Center.

So me, Raven, Tom and Mats tried an Expert Realism game on Dead Carnival and after about 12 retries in 2 hours, we literally could not get past the first level, so we gave up. It was amazing how much harder the first level of Dark Carnival is on Expert Realism than say compared to Dead Center map 1 where we did it in our first try. The Desert Eagle becomes absolutely essential in Expert Realism and without it, the maps become so much harder. I think Realism Expert on Dark Carnival should be called survivor rape mode.
That was just excruciating. I felt like I was playing expert versus, tons of specials coming at us together and a horde almost every 30 seconds. I can get how people enjoy the satisfaction in winning something like that but really, when a game starts to feel like a chore something is wrong.

I never really noticed the new gore effects until today, as usually I'm busy shooting whatever moves and run, but this caught my eye:
Mr Waffles
Played a Team Versus game on Dead Center with me, Tanking Cock, Uberhomer and Obvious against a team called Team aVanti. We got absolutely raped, didn't make it to the safe room on map 2 and 3 on the campaign, and we managed to have 3 survivors in the safe room on map 1 since Homer got death charged out of the windows. The finale doesn't count becasue team aVanti left before the finale. Obvious raged after they survived with all 4 survivors on Dead Center map 2 so we got Raven to fill in and Jouster to replace Tanking Cock when he had to do some things. Man the serious competitive team we played today taught us many lessons.

Edited by Mr Waffles on 22-12-2009 13:59



Mr Waffles wrote:
Man the serious competitive team we played today taught us many lessons.

Not that I was there to see it but what else can you expect when a team of 4 friends who play for fun are pitted against a 4-man competetive clan?
It's a whole different story when a clan is pitted against 4 random players who have a lot of gameplay time and know how to adapt to teamwork though...happened loads of times on the original l4d when we managed to make a whole clan rage quit even though we were randoms.

I bet we could make a competetive team too since there is a fair amount of us who play l4d2 daily but we have different problems so we won't be able to practice much as a team imo.I assume the team you played against was composed of younger players who play the game at least 4 hours a day and practice teamwork on a daily basis.We on the other hand have jobs,some of ppl are at uni etc. so there isn't much time to practice together.

Finnaly let me say that i envy you that you managed to finish the expert realism campaign or any expert. I always get stuck with 3 random "crybabies" who abandon the game after a few restarts.Typical scenario i see everyday:

Teammates rage quit on the 3rd map of dead center expert realism after 4 restarts leaving me alone with 3 "retarded" bots to play through the longest map on that campaign. I somehow manage to deal with 2 tanks and loads of hordes spawning every 2 minutes( if the timing is correct)
and when i finally get within 5cm of the safe house with 1 hp left i get pounced by a hunter who was camping INSIDE the saferoom(saferoom=name fail xD). And i get killed because the bots think its a good idea that all 3 shoot the horde behind us and leave the hunter gang bang me to death...

Mr Waffles
Does anyone like autospawning still being in finales in L4D2? They were a terible design choice in L4D1 versus finales and they're still here in L4D2 except The Parish bridge finale. I honestly can't see how Valve still let slow and noisy boomers still autospawn 100m away from the survivors and having to waddle all the way to the survivors and 9/10 times getting killed before he can get in range to puke.
Yeah it's pretty horrible for pretty much everything other than hunters and smokers and spitters, I guess they kept it to give survivors a chance of winning the finale.
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