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TF2 Competitions
As much as I would love to see you having a hand shandy:

1. I am at work - I am allowed to BE a wanker - not a viewer of one
2. My larger monitor is at home and has better resolution

Now stop - I'm trying to drink my cappuccino

Edited by NaughtyMe on 06-08-2008 16:01


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
I'm slightly baffled why people are voting for 2v2 anyclass duel tbh. Duel maps are always symmetrical large arenas with spawns on either end, and this setup clearly favours long-range classes - a sniper could easily stand in one spawn and headshot all day long :/ Seems to make more sense/be more a test of skill when everyone is the same class Sick
Fallen Seraph
the only duel maps I've come across aren't really too long ranged. like, a soldier would be able to r/j further than the length of them. and, obviously enough, we've have to implement some "no being an utter twat" rule to prevent spawn camping of both kinds.

also the tiered duel maps are retarded. lets not have those.
The pole only lets me vote for one and i will probably try a few, this makes me sad. And also not vote yet.
Don Pedro
the sniper could be countered by cannot go into spawn to get more health until you have killed someone....sniper cannot camp inside spawn with the door open, must be cannot chuck stickies into the spawn area.....
Its kinda like soldier 1v1 where the fist kill is v important. it means you can usually get the first shot in when they spawn giving you a big advantage.

is 2v2 anyclass getting too complicated? maybe 1v1 soldier is easier, less rules, less disputes...?
id go with any of the soldier duels (obviously), the 2v2 any class seems ok, but having simple arena style maps for that seems a bit daft, it would be better with dm style maps like DM4 on quake, small, but not one single space.
Not into the basketball stuff tbh.
Would be nice to have a 2v2 medic+any class (except spy), would be good practice for defending your medic and for the medics trying to stay alive, arena maps might not be good on that either.
Yeah I've kinda changed my mind and think 1v1 or 2v2 soldier would be best. 2v2 any class could get messy, and krakyn and myself learnt yesterday that bball is really mostly about learning the right rocketjumps rather than being a better soldier.
If you wanna get some fluent rocket jumping training as I have mentioned before in other relevant posts try some of the classed based puzzle maps I got great at rocket jumping (not so fraggin) on the "best in the class" map great for scout jump training too, but theres plenty of other rocket jump influenced maps to sparr onGrin
It's a great map, but it's hard to find a server that runs it. I guess you could play it on your own server as practice but that's like doing homework..
I managed to get my rj from laughable to quite good by watch how other people do them in demos and spectating. Just pick someone good at them, then watch them for a round to see what they do and when they do it, try it yourself and viola
Rocketjumping seriously really isn't the problem, I was useless at it then because I wasn't used to low sensitivity, but when someone rocketjumps across the whole map in such a fashion that it's nigh impossible to hit them then it goes away from just soldier skill. But hey, so long as no such folks actually enter then we'll be fine :/
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