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Team stacking
Clever Idiot


jem58 wrote:
Yeah it's been working well, apart from when you start with like 15 on one team and 5 on the other Pfft

yeah was hoping to have a end of waiting time = restartgame 1 which sould then balance teams. But sadly it seems you cant hook to a event from valve as it does nt always fire correctly. Which is a real pain as the current script is only a few lines code Smile so its not great but its better than half the spec team pressing the key for side thats going to win...


public OnClientPutInServer(client)
ChangeClientTeam (client, GetRandomInt(2,3));
FakeClientCommand(client, "joinclass %s", "random");
return true;

so if someone wants to see if they can add some maths to code as im not coder and took me a week to get this out of a coder Smile but sadly we have seen what happens before so its a choice of 2 evils.
Try changing this line:

ChangeClientTeam (client, GetRandomInt(2,3));

To this:

   new iBluTeam = GetTeamClientCount(2);
   new iRedTeam = GetTeamClientCount(3);
   if(iBluTeam > iRedTeam) {
      ChangeClientTeam(client, 3);
   else if(iRedTeam > iBluTeam) {
      ChangeClientTeam(client, 2);
   else if(iBluTeam == iRedTeam) {
      ChangeClientTeam(client, GetRandomInt(2, 3));
Clever Idiot
ta mega for looking i get

2 errors 017 undifend "geteamclientcount"

Edited by Clever Idiot on 25-02-2008 21:20

if waiting for players event is floored could use spawn plus 60 second delay
event or even map start?
Clever Idiot
in es yes rofl

nearly did it in es earlier but thought it may just confuse issue
Clever Idiot



#define PLUGIN_VERSION "0.6"

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "CI forceteam",
author = "SMM forums_mega_MrG",
description = "Force player into a team as soon as they connect.",
url = ""

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
new iBluTeam = GetTeamClientCount(2);
new iRedTeam = GetTeamClientCount(3);

if(iBluTeam > iRedTeam)
ChangeClientTeam(client, 3);
FakeClientCommand(client, "joinclass %s", "random");
else if (iRedTeam > iBluTeam)
ChangeClientTeam(client, 2);
FakeClientCommand(client, "joinclass %s", "random");
else if (iBluTeam == iRedTeam)
ChangeClientTeam(client, GetRandomInt(2, 3));
FakeClientCommand(client, "joinclass %s", "random");

forceteam code.

Edited by Clever Idiot on 28-02-2008 13:51

Looking it not possible to use team 2 & team 3 etc instead of red/blue to make it compatible with other HL2 mods?

Also why do we need the random class I'm guessing if you don't do it users are able to click cancel & jump back to the team selector?
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