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League of Legends
Cpt Obvious
Found a link with tons of fun charts, pics and comics.

edit: ignore the rule 34 for your own good. Rest is more or less funny.

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 12-07-2010 10:53


Ignore the interview as it's boring and doesn't say anything new, just watch the awesome CGI.
Wow that's badass Grin Kayle and Morgana look really hot in the cgi love

If you want to see it without the crummy interview:

YouTube Video

Also.... Release Notes

Edited by spaceboy on 13-07-2010 02:20

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Oh wow! That was awesome Grin
oh wow! double post!

Edited by alecom on 13-07-2010 03:24

Haha imagine if gameplay was like that! :X

That was an awesome CGI movie, can't wait to see what else they come up with later :3
Cpt Obvious
Awesome trailer.

And for the patch notes: I like the Lantern that combines creep farming with ward spam and adds some lifesteal. Perfect jungling item.
I can see that being a base item for Warwick, Shaco, Udyr and some other heavy junglers.
Yeah maybe.. my one reservation about that would be that Bloodrazors are probably still the first core item for the junglers.. and by the time you're buying your second big item jungling has ceased to be as important... On the other hand I guess this plus Bloodrazors could allow a lot more attempts at soloing Baron as together they'd whip him down in no time Smile
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
I can see warwick being able to solo baron way before level 18. Same for shaco.
I'm a god damn noobfeeder though :x
Cpt Obvious
WW, Ezreal and Kennen with noob boots.

And damn that Corki carried good.
Noob boots? Pretty useful boots for squeezing out a lil extra speed tbh.
Cpt Obvious
They are noob boots, since 99% of cases, some other boots are better choice. The little extra speed is almost never worth the CC duration reduction or increased movement speed the other boots give.
Yeah, there's so much CC in the game merc treads are a pretty awesome item Grin Tabi are amazing too as there's only 2 items in the game you can get dodge from... for the amount of attack speed you get for the money zerks are good but, yeah I can't really see a situation where I'd ever buy them as they're so clearly overshadowed Smile

Edited by spaceboy on 15-07-2010 02:09

Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Rofl teh cake
Just buy 2 pair, ffs. It's what all the pros do.
Just 2 days ago some shaco who was feeding like crazy called me a noob for getting mercury treads against a team with 3 stuns, he had zerkers and was building maladyFrown
look at that twitch he also got a malady and look what he gets for it Grin
YouTube Video

Edited by fefe on 15-07-2010 13:12
Lol Fe you really LOVE that video Wink
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious
New champion leaked.


Edited by Cpt Obvious on 21-07-2010 20:47

Oooow exciting! Vampire tank? His passive is a lot like Jax's Grin
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
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