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Sniper Update
looks good cant wait to pin some spys to the wall Wink
Leave the spies alone! They're friendly!... seriously though I'll be interested to see if this makes sniper a more all-the-time optional class in competitive play, soldiers are pretty slow so I'm worried!
it looks like the arrow might have a blowback effect similar to airblast, and if you're against the wall you get stuck
thats just my late-night interpretation though Smile
I have to agree with tom.
Dear shitting fuck

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Does "Day 1" mean that the update will be out by the end of the week?

Edited by vadoom on 12-05-2009 23:45

Cpt Obvious
This time the unlockables look like something i would use more. Wont achievement box em now.
I was very calm. I checked other forums and my emails before even looking Pfft

What masson said. I would imagine that it sticks people to walls if they are standing by them. They're fully able to continue fighting though I would imagine. I look forward to sending corpses flying through the air just like the HL2 crossbow.

There will be a zoom, how can there be a charge time without one. However I would think it is more like how an arrow is aimed and so maybe only gets x2 zoom instead of the current zoom.
They put day 1 so that they don't have to stick to a daily update and have people complain "where is our wednesday update?!?!?"
Well the charge time could just be the pulling back of the arrow.... I don;t think at mid-close range you want tunnel vision.. or scope or whatever you call it. and yeah I think the arrow will travel in an arc slightly. maybe kinda like the baseball?

(I know the photoshopping is crappy, but I'm too tired to care at the moment)


The Huntsman doesn't have any stun-like capability. Killing an enemy who's standing in front of a wall will result in their ragdoll being pinned to the wall.

Sorry for the confusion, we're just having a bit too much fun pinning our co-worker's bodies to the walls in compromising positions.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:58 PM
To: Robin Walker
Subject: Huntsman

I'm sure you will get a billion e-mails about this, but I would just like to try to clear up the whole amount of "stun" the huntsman will get. Most people say that only dead bodies will get stuck to walls, but a lot of people think that if you are close to a wall and get shot by it the Huntsman will pin you to it. If you could clear it up I'm sure a lot of people would be happy.

stolen from steam forums.
Yay! That's awesome news Grin Thanks Grippy! you are a legend! ... ok, then this weapon just sounds cool then Grin I look forward to it unreservedly!
Fuck that right off. I can't think of any scenario where I would actually use a weapon like that instead of the sniper rifle. From the sounds of it, the SMG would be a safer bet to use at that range than some arrow.

Pinning enemies to the wall? That'll be funny in the same way that listening to someone spamming Zoeys death scream is funny. It'll be funny the first time, then it'll get boring , then it'll become annoying and pointless. Not worth the effort.
Rofl teh cake
so.. no zoom but full charge shot. Lets say you remain at "zoomed" walking speed while charging the spot. Everything will die in 2-3 seconds. But everything will kill you in much much much less. Headshots are the only thing going to make this weapon any useful and they are going to be very hard to pull off.

I can see this weapon causing so much rage from scouts/pyros who get randomly hit and instakilled. Apart from the noobs using it and getting cheap kills on them the pros are going to be getting 1s fully charged headshots across the map and just becoming a one man army.

The arrow had better not arc. Its a sodding longbow.
If the headgear unlock is a bandana I'm going to have to play sniper all the time. Longbow, machete, bandana. My name is Rambo.
Obviously with this new weapon the sniper will get a Robin Hood hat.
Also I wonder if the arrow can be airblasted.

One man armies like Ramini!!!

Anyone got any predictions/speculation about what they'd like to see/think will be in the rest of the update?

I mean there's a boomerang, but surely that's a given Grin
holding out for the jars of piss :>
Grin Maybe putting that out on April 1st was just a cunning double bluff! It doesn't really sound that far fetched in the context of the game Grin
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