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Fuckery to fuck...
Are you going to declare war on us Shock.
Well if you do, we will strike back, take your land, and burn your villages, just like the old days Drunk.

Edited by Leif on 15-01-2009 23:36

teleporters would be nice Grin
Devilz Slave
found a song for u Grin
YouTube Video
Ha ha ha classic Quo! Rock
Hungover Engie
Woah, first time I've been here in ages.

I'm going to be stuck here for about eleven months, learning some combat engineering skills (no rly!?) allthough I won't be building any sentries until a couple of weeks've passed.

Things been great so far, until yesterday when I managed to fuck up my knee skiing. Yes, we're an army on damn skis.

It's cold as Hades up here, but my viking blood is taking care of that.

As for what we need an army for... well. Officially it's called "Forsvaret" wich directly translates to "The Defence".
We're a small country with simple needs.
Wooooooooooo go Engie!!!!
11 months Shock keep it up engy Wink
Cpt Obvious
Army is retarded. But good luck in there since youve chosen to go. Smile
ps: there is a imposter engie running around, Rokka playing on your acc =P
Keep your head down and stay on the sweet side of your sarge and you'll be fine.

Do not under any circumstance fuck with your fellow soldiers or disobey orders.
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world


TinyT wrote:

Do not under any circumstance fuck with your fellow soldiers or disobey orders.

What about actually fucking them? Is that allowed?

Good Luck, Engie Grin
Good Luck :3
Isn't this the one year service you're required to do over there?
Try to enjoy your time there. Good luck.
Devilz Slave
With viking-blood you can do that, just believe in Odin and Thor ;D


Hungover Engie wrote:
Woah, first time I've been here in ages.
I'm going to be stuck here for about eleven months, learning some combat engineering skills (no rly!?) allthough I won't be building any sentries until a couple of weeks've passed.

Eleven fucking months? My training alone was 8 months long, they stole 3 fucking years from my life and you worry about a mere eleven?
Duuuudddeeee go watch Band of Brothers - I FUCKING LOVE IT
Hungover Engie


tomregev wrote:


Hungover Engie wrote:
Woah, first time I've been here in ages.
I'm going to be stuck here for about eleven months, learning some combat engineering skills (no rly!?) allthough I won't be building any sentries until a couple of weeks've passed.

Eleven fucking months? My training alone was 8 months long, they stole 3 fucking years from my life and you worry about a mere eleven?

Well, excuuuse me mr. hardass soldier man!
No, but wow... 3 years? That's a real bitch.
Oh don't mind me, it was all the pent up anger I've been gathering. It's just that I'm a month away from being discharged and I'm kinda on edge because of it.
Hungover Engie
Take comfort that I'll be freezing my privates off while I'm here.Emo Hair
Rofl teh cake
Privates? You have your own soldiers?
Hungover Engie
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