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Dinosuar old, difficult as f#ck to find games
Rofl teh cake
Lol. Look for E.T. The Game. This game was supposed to end the videogame era, but we managed to recover from this shit thing.
Cpt Obvious
Superman 64
Rofl teh cake
Back to good games. Goldeneye for N64? Holy fuck, Multiplayer 4 players is better than TF2 and L4D combined.
Cpt Obvious
Oh yeeees i loved goldeneye. No bots, no online yet it was so damn good. I remember we had a 2v1 where me and my friend teamed up against my friends little brother who had 5x more health then us. (cause he was very young and not so good at gaming).

We were player 1 and player 3 and his bro was p2.
Then we taped a paper in the middle of tv so we cant see enemy teams screens =P
gunstar heroes, streetfighter 2 and sonic 2 were the 16bit gen games i loved.

goldeneye was badass, its possible my A-level results were a little lower than they should have been because of it (prox and remote mines were pure comedy). Altho that said, Zelda; OoT was probably one of the best games ive ever played.

im not really old enough to properly remember anything pre-megadrive. all you old people bringing out spectrum games are realllllly old Pfft

Edited by agrippa on 01-01-2009 18:41

Goldeneye multiplayer was brilliant. The source mod was very disappointing, though.

I never really played any Zelda games, I'm gonna try and get into it Wink


AgrippA wrote:
im not really old enough to properly remember anything pre-megadrive. all you old people bringing out spectrum games are realllllly old Pfft

You maniac! I'm the same age as you and I had a spectrum Pfft You just had a deprived childhood Wink Miner Willy for life!!! XD


Spaceboy wrote:
You maniac! I'm the same age as you and I had a spectrum Pfft

game boy was my first console, i still can remember the Tetris or double-dragon soundtracks far too clearly...

edit:: went off and found this...

Edited by agrippa on 01-01-2009 21:02

Ha ha ha! While we're at it.... best video game music ever:

YouTube Video


Funnily enough the battlefield theme and its many variations give me a massive adrenaline hit when i hear them.

Then again the final cutscene music from CoD4 was just amazing.

Its amazing how much of an impression some video game music has made on me. BTW if anyone get teh chance; go watch "video games live" its a world touring concert thing that plays video game music with a choir and an orchestra. I went to the last one in London and it was absolutely amazing
spaceboy that cant compare to some of the f zero music!


Masson wrote:
spaceboy that cant compare to some of the f zero music!

Psssht you lie! You lie like a cheap rug!
Cpt Obvious
Theme song of my avatar.


Mega man series have the best music ever.

Close second is F-Zero series:


And as a bonus: Mute City 2008 version:

edit: LOL kinda related:

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 02-01-2009 03:53

Ooooow I do like that Mute City song Grin I found a guitar pro tab for it, I may learn to play it! XD
Rofl teh cake
I really love singing out that Mute City songtrack loud. DÖ-DÖ-DÖDÖDÖDÖ-DÖ-DÖ-DÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ.
I think I lost count of how many times I threw my GBA at the wall because of F-zero advanced.

Also, for people who like really old awesome games; you can download the sexy adventure classic "beneath a steel sky" for free from :
Ooooow I completed Beneath A Steel Sky aaaaaaaaaaaages ago the first time around Grin
My favorite game on the Sinclair spectrum had to be Robocop (only one I can really remember playing).Innocent

In one of the levels you had to allign the target to shoot between the ladys dress to get the robber in the groin like in the film, classic.Grin
Streets of rage 2 classic game, still cant do it with skate on hardest difficulty

Super ghouls and goblins xD

And road rage 2 was funny
Mr G
What ever ya do don't buy Saints Row 2 , its complete pants. Graphics are abysmal , driving is lose and crap. shooting is like something out of a 90's video game or just above space invaders.

sorry don't normally trash games but this GTA wanna be is just tripe.

Edited by Mr G on 08-01-2009 20:56

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