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The 3 new medic weapons revealed
some of the achievements are just stupid. youd be better off setting them up on a private server with friends!
While the majority of players may switch to medic when this comes out (some are doing it already) I will continue with my favourite characters. Why? Well if you read the related articles, you'll see that there is to be a rapid progression to the the other characters for load outs - the problem has been player inventory storage within Steam, rather than balance issues.

So while some (a lot) may swap to medic...I will continue to build my stats with my favourite characters; so when, the other load outs for them are released, I should already be at the required level.....

Thank you......I'ma geeeenius

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
A lot of those achievements look rather... meh.

So if you get all 36 achievements I think you are entitled to something special, and tbh the übersaw is nothing other than special. Not imba, just special Pfft

Chief of staff for example... 10 million points. That's a fuckload of healing, but then again it's gonna be great for those who cba to get the medic achievements Devil
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
Meser has - but then it's his favourite character. I say hang tight and you'll soon have your own achievements already racked up as soon as they release the other character load outs.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
So what we do now counts? Sad
In that case on the day it comes out I'll be logging on to find half of the stuff already got, I was looking forward to unlocking them one by one already. Some of the achievements look like they'd be easy to get with just 2 of you on a server but I'm probably going to disappear to a more newby server if I get stuck. It's quite shocking when you leave the fuzzy home of CI.


Ramini wrote:
So what we do now counts? Sad
In that case on the day it comes out I'll be logging on to find half of the stuff already got, I was looking forward to unlocking them one by one already. Some of the achievements look like they'd be easy to get with just 2 of you on a server but I'm probably going to disappear to a more newby server if I get stuck. It's quite shocking when you leave the fuzzy home of CI.

I was looking forward to doing it from scratch.
Out of interest, what are some newby servers? I'd like to play on it for a laugh.
I did consider the hampshire heavies server as them once but they suddenly got better (or I got worse) I've not looked recently. If I do play TF2 I'm on the CI server or the servers gone to bed and I'm on HH.
Just head to any old public server, ones that aren't a clan server are usually interesting since theres no admins Pfft
Just so its not completely off topic, I was thinking about the scout achievments. I really hope that theres "Eat it fatty" for killing x heavies with a bat and another one for doing something I haven't yet managed. Climbing onto a heavies head and hitting him to death. All heavies so far have spun behind them, spun back to the front then realised and blasted me skyhigh.
Here are the 36 Achievements and what you must do to unlock them:

1. First Do No Harm: Play a full round without killing any enemies and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.

2. Quadruple Bypass: Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once.

3. Group Health: Work with 2 other medics to deploy 3 simultaneous uber-charges.

4. Surgical Prep: Have an uber-charge ready before the setup phase ends.

5. Trauma Queen: Deploy 3 uber-charges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.

6. Double Blind Trial: Deploy an uber-charge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy medic deploying his.

7. Play Doctor: In a team with no medics, be first to switch to medic after a teammate calls "Medic!" and then heal 500 health.

8. Triage: Deploy an uber-charge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.

9. Preventive Medicine: Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an uber-charged teammate.

10. Consultation: Assist a fellow medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life.

11. Does It Hurt When I Do This?: Kill 50 scouts with your syringe gun.

12. Peer Review: Kill 50 medics with your bone saw.

13. Big Pharma: Assist a heavy in killing 30 enemies where neither of you die.

14. You'll Feel A Little Prick: Assist in killing 4 enemies with single uber-charge on a scout.

15. Autoclave: Assist in burning 8 enemies with a single uber-charge on a pyro.

16. Blast Assist: Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single uber-charge on a soldier.

17. Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single uber-charge on a heavy.

18. Medical Breakthrough: Assist in destroying 8 enemy engineer buildings with a single uber-charge on a Demoman.

19. Midwife Crisis: Heal an engineer as he repairs his sentry while it's under enemy fire.

20. Ubi Concordia, IBI Victoria: Assist in killing 5 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life.

21. Grand Rounds: Heal 200 teammates after they've called for "Medic!"

22. Infernal Medicine: Extinguish 100 burning teammates.

23. Doctor Assisted Homicide: Assist in killing 20 nemesis.

24. Placebo Effect: Kill 5 enemies in a single life while having your uber-charge ready, but undeployed.

25. Sawbones: Hit enemies with your bonesaw 10 times in arrow without dying or missing.

26. Intern: Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life.

27. Specialist: Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life.

28. Chief of Staff: Accumulate 10 million total heal points.

29. Hypocritical Oath: Kill an enemy spy that you have been healing.

30. Medical Prevention: Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.

31. Second Opinion: Uber-Charge 2 teammates at once.

32. Autopsy Report: Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.

33. FYI I Am A Medic: Use your bonesaw to kill 5 enemy spies who have been calling for "Medic!"

34. Family Practice: Uber-charge ten of your steam community friends.

35. House Call: Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy and uber-charge on him.

36. Bedside Manner: Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.

Valve is tottaly insane! Some of the Achievements are bad ass. This will not easy as i thought to get them.

And here are a pic from the Loadout screen:

And a pic from the map goldrush with the lorry:
ok yeah some of those are actually nails. I think we all knew there would be an massive influx of medics the week the update comes out, this will potentially keep people playing medic for ages.

Its going to be funny watching dire medic players (like me). Also achievement No7 will be tough to get for ages because no team will be without a large selection of medics from now on.. Smile

TBH if this is the fuss caused over just 1 class then i gotta say im really looking foward to the other class updates. I know it will drastically change the dynamic of the game, and yes i know when the spy update comes out ill be drowned in a sea of competing spys but at least valve are tryign to stop the player dropoff that all online games experience.

Edited by agrippa on 17-04-2008 13:03

Yummy yummy - lots of medic chunks for me!!

I think the majority of us know that the skill on this server tends to be a bit higher than other servers. I think newbies might be in for a bit of a shock if they all try and medic-it away on this server to boost their stats.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
This server is one of the best for mediccing, blows away other servers. Skilled players that can look after medics make for an easy time, I find trying to medic on unskilled servers much harder. You have no reliance of protection from the person you're healing, they could do just about anything. I've shouted spy, ran in front of people, stopped healing and started shooting my needlegun wildly, yelled on the mic, and had people not turn around.

'14. You'll Feel A Little Prick: Assist in killing 4 enemies with single uber-charge on a scout.' - ahahaha

Those achievements look much harder than I thought they would be, and some just encourage hilariously bad play. This should be quite funny when it comes out! I hope we have to unlock them all from scratch aside from the 10 mil healing one, I've done pretty much all of these but I'd love to do them again.
I think it might be interesting to see how quick you can achieve these. Things like heal x amount may well have been achieved by habitual medic players and will unlock straight away, but a lot of the stuff doesn't look like the sort of things steam already records so people who play medic a lot may have done them may have to do them again to get it which should keep it challenging.
Krakyn hit the nail on the head. Whilst a lot of the easier achievements have probably already been completed in the past by habitual medic players, that does not necessarily mean that the steam servers keep a track of all these stats. Chances are they will need to start from scratch on a lot of them, although hopefully no the 10 million points healed one, that'd be kind of unfair Pfft
The one thing i hope that happens when these achievments are made for classes is a restriction on how many people can play a class at any one time.
I know some servers do it now, but, in my opinion it should be a mandatory thing.
see that's one of the good things I like about the Ci server. Alot of people will look at what is already playing on the team and will spread themselves across the classes equally. You do get the bad apples occasionally
*grumbles yet again about how he picks a class Pfft*

Looking through the list for a third time.
15. Autoclave: Assist in burning 8 enemies with a single uber-charge on a pyro.
That better had be the same as the current pyro achievement. Killing 8 enemies in one ubercharge has to be nearly imposible.

17. Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single uber-charge on a heavy.
What the... you would need to set that up amongst yourselves surely. No heavy is going to waste an uber on punches of his own free will surely! Hopefully "Uber" counts as the critzkrieg, would be nice melee that way.

Yer it does seem like they surely havent recorded the stats for alot of those acheivements.

Hopefully I wont lose my 10 mil and get to do the other unrecorded ones againSmile
Fallen Seraph


Ramini wrote:

17. Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single uber-charge on a heavy.
What the... you would need to set that up amongst yourselves surely. No heavy is going to waste an uber on punches of his own free will surely! Hopefully "Uber" counts as the critzkrieg, would be nice melee that way.

Clearly you've never mediced raven for any length of time.


No heavy is going to waste an uber on punches of his own free will surely!

i have seen this done in matches geez, by one particular heavy\doctor combo, to great effect. at first i thought they were just taunting us but it proved an awesome way of clearing a point of bodies whilst their team-mates tried to cap it.
Chill =]


Roadpizzza wrote:


No heavy is going to waste an uber on punches of his own free will surely!

i have seen this done in matches geez, by one particular heavy\doctor combo, to great effect. at first i thought they were just taunting us but it proved an awesome way of clearing a point of bodies whilst their team-mates tried to cap it.

Shhh we must not mention the fact that we've been dominated by a team using a heavy mostly with fists twice now Pfft
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