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Team stacking
Well if it's any consolation, I think the majority of r5 have developed what I would refer to as the inverse-Zap effect, simply because we prefer a challenge Grin

That said, isn't it fairly simple to enforce auto-team selection? The majority of the CSS servers I play on enforce auto-team selection on joining/start of a map.
yeah on css it is easy enough to do.. different engine different plugins Sad

hlstasx can even force auto join in css.. just you can't get into spec & it dosen't work on orangebox version ..

somebody will code a solution..hopefully before rest of hl2 catalogue gets ported to orangebox lol
If this were implemented, would we want people to be able to switch teams after the start of the game? In other words, is it just an auto-scramble script or a script that will remove the option to join a specific team?

I may be wrong but the second case seems fairly simple, and I think it's probably the better option because it will make it inconvenient to team stack but still give people freedom.


public Plugin:myinfo =
   name = "Autoscramble",
   author = "Cleveridiot",
   description = "Automatically scrambles teams on round start"
   version = "",
   url = ""

public OnPluginStart() {
HookEvent("teamplay_waiting_ends", Event_WaitingEnds, EventHookMode_PostNoCopy)

public Event_WaitingEnds(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) {

I have no idea how to test it though.

Might want to make it so it only does it below a certain amount of players too.

Edited by Megalomania on 18-02-2008 16:21
Naughty said


Sorry - I don't see the "Zap" effect...and I've never been one to buff someone else's arse

Na i'm not buffing any arse's it's just what happens and i don't follow.

I, like u usually end up on the loosing side trying to find a medic to heal me to make things look more even, or could it be i'm shit and make whatever team i'm on looseGrin

Edited by gori11a on 18-02-2008 19:22

if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
hmm I think we made zap a little uncomfortable Grin
me and don will now be able to shuffle the team so that should prevent team stacking

Edited by Zap on 19-02-2008 18:56
mega looks good Smile also need to hook the join_team events ala autojoin..was looking at css autojoin script that can possibly be modified with immunity etc.. you need to compile the .sp once created using the compiler from either the web site or from the addons\sourcemod\scripting\compile.exe if you have test server setup
Yeah, unfoprtunately even the hlstats auto team join scirpt is open to abuse, as it's entirely based on numbers. People can still get on a team with the people they want to play with, if they're smart and sit and wait til the teams are even/lob-sided in their favour before hitting join.

Far from perfect.
Yer ive been at both ends of the stacks when on the weaker team alot of people leave forcing members from the stronger team to teambalance. As a medic I have to random join asap so I can start charging my uber Straight away. But I do feel really dirty when involved in the death of a fellow Ci member.
Clever Idiot
I know a cheer goes up in the roadpizzza house when they frag the Mr G mean buggers
you better believe it girlfriend
Chill =]
Well I got it to compile... trying to set up a test server now. This is the harder than writing+compiling it >_>
writing batch script at the moment which installs tf2 server, runs it, sets windows firewall, backsup & restores configs, updates tf2, updates sourcemod, finishing off the updating sourcemod bit & then have to do the firewall setup. will post version 1 soon..
That'll definitely come in handy, thanks!

Edited by Megalomania on 19-02-2008 20:34
0010 just finished a stunning game in Granary...truly epic (and I never really use that word). It to'd and fro'd from 4 caps each, back to the centre.

A one off truly balanced game...even the losers were not pissed off. So there is balance sometimes!

Seems to be a fair bit of it on CSSick at the moment as well, which is irritating.
Even with the server auto-balancing the teams on etc, can end up with some real shockers :mad:
What to think Wink
Control yourself
Take only what you need from him
Current script + hlstatsx = good?
Have to say my experience recently has been fantastic. Had some really nicely balanced games that have just seemed to go on for ever, great fun!
Yeah it's been working well, apart from when you start with like 15 on one team and 5 on the other Pfft
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