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League of Legends
gg patch ! Grin
Actually I suppose it's probably a buff to AD EZ with the increased damage on mystic shot.. hmmm interesting! Smile
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Cpt Obvious

Riot planning to remove the summoner spell Flash from game.
Not totally remove it, make it an active item ability. Probably on a pair of boots. (tho some say a dagger I think...)

I'm liking the teemo changes, the ambush isnt great ability but lets you get that extra dps in to start with. The speed buff ability only getting knocked off by towers or heros is a VERY good change, and you only notice it when you think, hold on shouldn't I have been slowed down now?
Rofl teh cake
I really wouldn't want to play this game competitively. It'd be a time eater and I bet my heart wouldn't make it, this game makes me sweat while playing random pugs Grin
With stuff like runes and locked heroes you can't really make it competitive, as it will come down to who has the most money to spend. Well unless you set a weekly default hero pool and ban runes.

Edited by tomregev on 04-06-2010 12:39

Some people do play it competitively as far as I can tell with some kinda draft system where you can rule out a certain amount of champions and then teams pick sequentially (i.e. one team picks one, next team picks two, first team picks etc). I'm assuming with regards to runes and stuff they just assume if you're deciding to play the game at that level you're already level 30 and have a full runebook.
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Yeah, its like endgame in an MMO, or unlocks in TF2, if you're playing competively they assume you're max level with your chosen runes. Tho I've got plenty of points from buying multiple disks (they're on offer making the Riot Points about half price to buying em online!)

I know a few people (such as Fuzz) have 3/4 pages of runes to choose from (be they tank/dps/crit/AP/etc)
Cpt Obvious
New skins coming!

FINALLY a Shaco skin, and damn does it look smooth.

also massive lol at Mars Attacks Heimer. Grin
Just won a game playing as Soraka (who I have totally and utterly fallen in love with btw...) with 0/0/13! And only 2 deaths on my entire team. Loving my new little build for her (Will of the Anchients passive aura of Spell steal and AP)
Healing is broken as fuck.
Cpt Obvious
Yep, if enemy has a good healer and you dont, your boned.
Especially in laning phase, soraka + anyone who doesn't use mana = anal pain.
Rofl teh cake
I started smurfing and fell in love (again) with Alistair.
Name of smurfing account is xxxQUEENxxx. Yes, I repeat, xxxQUEENxxx.
Cpt Obvious
mine is Quite Random
Add me plx, ill smurf with you later.
Cpt Obvious
Me and some random eve came up with the best strategy ever.
I play zilean, time bomb the eve and he stealths to the enemies for massive damage.
Incredibly fun.
Cpt Obvious
Patch arriving in the next few days.
Looking forward to Kayle megabuff.
Yeah.. will be nice to get to trot out the awesome Silver skin I've got banging around and use her massively irritating ultimate on our carry Grin

That said this patch is just an unbelievable nerf to AP Ezreal.. not content with stripping most of the utility out of Essence Flux they've now nerfed the AP ratio on his ultimate :'(
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Had to be done, you can't have a champ with both a great heal buff and good ap dps. That's why I don't like the kayle changes, they realized what was broken on ezrael and nidalle and nerfed it while giving kayle the same thing.

YouTube Video
Yeah that's fine.. I don't have a problem with nerfing the heals.. but once you take that away his dps really isn't standout compared to the carries and his burst isn't as good as most casters if you go AP (other than when the entire enemy team lines up for him). Sooo yeah.. bit harsh if you ask me, coulda just reduced the healing like they did last time.
Behold the wondrous return of Sheriff Pony!
Played against Olaf for the first time, ragnorak and vicious strikes is pretty insane. Don't know what his build was but I couldn't put a dent in him with a full bloodthirster and infinity edge as tris. Had to throw ignite and explosive shot to deal any significant damage.

By the way, is there a level where the game stops teaming you with morons?
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