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Clueless Update tf2
It just got better, rockets now do 0 damage at close range, while the soldier takes full self damage. Headbang
that was posted before the update... and is a repost of clip from 3 days ago Smile
Yeah. will need to test if that is now fixed Smile
It was still like that yesterday, but a couple of minutes ago I got a ninja update that fixed it, so never mindSmile

Demo grenades still do no self damage at close range though.


Tom wrote:
Demo grenades still do no self damage at close range though.

fuck yes !! Grin
Whoever edited the thread title, good call.Giggle


tomregev wrote:


Fixed rocket jumping

I missed you so much Cry, please don't leave me again.

Lol, clueless.. Grin


Orange Box Engine

Fixed an exploit that allowed files to be uploaded to the server at arbitrary locations in the file system

Fixed a server crash caused by a client packet claiming to be an HLTV client when HLTV is disabled on the server

Fixed a server crash caused by spoofing a client disconnect message

Fixed a server crash caused by sending malformed reliable subchannel data

Fixed a server crash related to unbounded settings on some convars

Team Fortress 2

Bullet spread algorithm changed to fire a bullet right down the crosshair under these circumstances:

The first bullet of a spread weapon (except for rapid fire spread weapons like the minigun)

The first bullet of a non-spread weapon if it's been >1.25 seconds since firing

Added a "Disable HTML MOTDs" option to the multiplayer->advanced dialog

Added "motdfile_text" convar to servers, which allows them to specify a text file that’s shown instead of the HTML MOTD to clients who've turned on this option

Fixed radius damage not tracing out of enemies when the explosion occurs within them

Fixes rockets & grenades doing no splash damage when fired point blank into enemies

Added missing snowpuff particles for DX8 players (honest)

Restored LOD for the Demoman player model

Fixed being able to alt-fire with the fists while stunned as a Heavy

Fixed CTF_Sawmill not ending the map when mp_timelimit hits during the middle of a round

Fixed the "The Big Hurt" achievement not being awarded for players who already have the required count

Fixed sv_pure not reloading the map's custom particle file

Custom particle effects contained within maps must now be placed in the \particles directory

Fixed another case where items weren't being validated properly in class loadout slots

Community requests

Removed centerprint texts for TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode

Changed TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode capture reward from 10 kills to 1 capture

Added OnCapTeam1 and OnCapTeam2 outputs to the item_teamflag and func_capturezone entities

Fixed HUD "carried" image for the TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND and TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game modes using the wrong team color

Fixed dropped flag for the TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode using the wrong skin

Mostly technical mambo jumbo. Though the spread change could be interesting. Oh and no more fucking no self damage grenades.

Edited by tomregev on 21-08-2009 22:47



Added missing snowpuff particles for DX8 players (honest)

The spread change means no more firing 4 times at the same sticky with a shotgun before it finally registers, which is nice. It also makes the spy revolver more deadly than before!

ps. also the being able to shoot during the reload animation makes spy pistol a LOT better now. The reload is very very quick, and you'll often do it while waiting for a clear shot. Spy is now an extremely consistent damage dealer with the pistol, which is good since backstabs can be very hit and miss.

Edited by Sammage on 22-08-2009 15:24



Sammage wrote:
It also makes the spy revolver more deadly than before!


In fairness if i was actually a good aim with the revolver then i would be using the Ambi insted.

Edited by agrippa on 22-08-2009 15:23

I'm down with the revolver fix now! Grin


[-]August 31, 2009 - Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Team Fortress 2

Added "tf_allow_player_use" server ConVar to control players executing +use while playing (defaults to 0)

Fixed a bug where full backpacks resulted in an item being repeatedly found each time the game is started

Fixed being able to burn players/buildings that are in the water while standing outside the water

Fixed teleporting Spies getting stuck in enemy players standing on the exit

Fixed server log not listing telefrag kills as weapon "telefrag"

Fixed the Pyro's airblast pushing Spectators in free-look mode

Fixed Pyro's Hadouken killing Scouts that have used Bonk! and are phasing

Fixed freezecam screenshots sometimes being saved outside the Screenshots folder

Fixed deathnotice and server log entries not using the unique item names/icons when buildings are destroyed

Fixed a case where the weapon selection menu wasn't drawing the images of non-standard items if the player was using hud_fastswitch 1 and using slot7-10 to view the panel

Fixed CTF HUD not centering the flag panel if there is only one active flag

Community requests

Added the ability to set a parent for the item_teamflag entity

Added OnPickUpTeam1 and OnPickUpTeam2 outputs to the item_teamflag entity

Added intro movie .mp3 files to the sound/misc folder

Were those pyro changes really necessary? if you get too close to the water surface you deserve the damage and was bonked people getting taunt killed really that big of an issue? Just fix the damn fan and huntsmen already.

Edited by tomregev on 01-09-2009 12:18



tomregev wrote:



Were those pyro changes really necessary? if you get too close to the water surface you deserve the damage and was bonked people getting taunt killed really that big of an issue? Just fix the damn fan and huntsmen already.

You mean you want to burn underwater objects, because that's what it fixed?

May have been an easy fix for the Bonk scout - so they did it for completeness sake.

Clarify "fix the damn fan and huntsmen already" statement.

Edited by NaughtyMe on 01-09-2009 12:27

Well the way I see it if you're running from a pyro and get in the water without diving, so you're still in his range it should still do damage, that way the pyro can at least try keeping you from going up for air which I like doing. If you're looking for a sensible way for it to work just imagine it's boiling the water or something.

As for the fan and huntsmen, fan doesn't knock you back, it kicks you upward and stuns you there for a moment, without the ability to airstrafe. This allows the scout to get a perfect shot on his second shell. At first I didn't mind that but with the grotesque damage buff the fan got last month this has become an absurd weapon.

The problem with hunstmen is that it makes your target's hitbox about 3 times bigger, so you no longer have to really aim to get your kills. Ramini phrased it best, "why use the rifle where I can fail?". Also the whole point of it was getting snipers closer to the front lines, but the messed up hitbox makes sitting in spawn and spamming arrows to the general direction of the enemy just as useful if not more.

EDIT: oh and I forgot, since the last update fan scouts can do jumps that were only available to soldiers and demos through self damage.

Edited by tomregev on 01-09-2009 13:02

Rofl teh cake
Water beats fire. Fire can't beat water. what's to question there?
I agree with the FaN, its no knockback, it is some kind of stun, which instantly messes up all your movement and makes you very vulnerable. Nerf this thing to hell.
About the huntsman...I don't care much. Affects pub play mainly, haven't seen many snipers in pugs, and even less who use huntsman.
you have not seen huntsmen in match play because its banned...


sick-lizard wrote:
you have not seen huntsmen in match play because its banned...

I think we should probably make the distinction between "banned" and "not allowed yet as it was released during an ongoing season", all the spy sniper unlocks are likely to be in for the next season of everything I would have thought :> However the whining on the ETF2L forums still continues regarding the FAN with a vocal and seemingly sizeable minority in favour of a ban, what do people think about this? Personally I've never felt it was overpowered .. but apparently one of the arguments is that you can't possibly tell unless you play scout a lot in 6v6 Frown
Fixed a bug where full backpacks resulted in an item being repeatedly found each time the game is started

so that was why i got all those hats Sad
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