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CleverIdiot gets promoted to division 5!
CleverIdiot managed with some struggling to get to 4th place in our division in the ETF2L, which means that we will now go from division 6 to division 5.

For me it feels like we have improved our teamwork a lot this season (but we have still much to improve!). After some rage from Sick, Spacey screaming "FUUUUCKK", exploiting from enemy team and Fe asking for way to many top ups, we got to our precious 4th place.

Thanks to everyone who has been helping, participating in the matches or telling me that they don't have to play if they're not needed (I hate to ditch people), and so on.
And you REJ guys, don't laugh at us!

The season ended a bit sourly for me, with that draw on gravelpit, but still it was a good season and getting promoted from the hardest group in div 6 is something, good luck for us in the next season.
Well done guys! Grin I think we've made a general steady improvement during the course of the season (and across our many MANY friendlies Grin) and ultimately we deserved promotion (even if we were lucky that Ex Men dropped to effectively gift us a top 4 place we otherwise might have missed). It's important that we don't get complacent however as Div 5 is going to be a lot harder and we're gonna need to up our game some to be competitive Smile

Yea it's nice to see how we improved during the season, also the regular friendlies help a lot and are plenty of fun. Also a big thanks to you Leif and Sick for all the orga stuff!
Awesome congratulation on the promotion Smile Ci has come so far now and its incredible Grin

I do hope you all the best of luck in division 5 sounds tough but will be worht it also good job on the organizing from leif and sick

Hey! Good point Homey! Grin We love you Leify and Sickity!!! None of this would happen without you awesome guys! love
Cpt Obvious
awesome news gratszsz!
Mr G
Well done peeps , div 4 better watch out the idiots are coming.

Many grats and w00ts Party
ty leif and sick Smile unsung heroes
Rofl teh cake
First of all: THANKS ALOT TO EVERYONE. We all have done a good job and I am really proud of celebrating this moment with you guys. I really enjoyed seeing us all grow together more and more to a unit and improving our friendships and skill in general.
Then I want to thank all the admins, especially Sick, for making all this actually possible by funding us with cookies and server and Leif, for being so patient with my strange bed times and organising like a mad man.
Thanks for letting me partake in this glorious moment and on the way to this. Let's sing my friends, that we will do well in 5!

(Nevertheless, I am still grumpy that gravel pit was drawn, we still need some improvement on that. I blame Fe, as usual.)
That's great guys, you deserve it. It was fun playing all those matches with you.
Well done on promotion, keep up the friendly schedule and you'll be fine for div 5. Cool

rEJ might have made it to Div 3. A little. GrinDevilGrinRollGrinRockGrinPartyGrinInnocentGrinSmileGrinWinkGrin

Edited by krakyn on 13-07-2009 12:56

Oh Wowies! That's fecking awesome Kraky! Congratulations Grin Last team to Div 1 are a bunch of pathetic baby loser men! XD
Haha I thought you guys were going to drop to division 5 Pfft
wooooooo go team! pretty much everything cake said. except for the gravelpit part, I was not there..
Nice work guys, well done allRock
Thank you to the whole squad for the extra effort they have put in, we have gone from winning 1 in 20 games to winning 4 out of 5 games, quite a turnaround Smile. An extra special thank you to Leif for stepping up & helping out when I was throwing my toys out of the pram. Leif will now be known to me by the welsh spelling Llaeth (welsh for milk) as it stops me pronouncing his name as leaf..

FYI Our next League season should be the UKesa Champions League starting august 5th (if it starts!) we are by far the lowest skill team signed up so far! (memories of being raped by dmg, got1, colour z & procella come flooding back).

For those that have been living under a rock there is a new tf2 league portal with the latest gossip etc @ (ty spaceboy for the heads up).

some clean up matches are still to be finished off at the top for ukesa & etf2l tonight @ 20:15 BST we have:

UKESA Bronze Award Match TCM vs WOTR (last we see of wotr Sad )
ETF2L Div1 YYT VS FB (are FB going down after 1 season?)

(hhm which side & match will predz appear on?)

Edited by sick-lizard on 13-07-2009 17:37

"The name Leif is of Scandinavian origin, and its meaning is heir or descendent. It is pronounced Layf."
Grin Awwwww.. poor Leify Wink

@Sick.. I'm guessing Predz will have to play for Wotr as surely they wouldn't have allowed him to sign up for TCM subsequent to when this game was originally supposed to have taken place Smile Sucks for him though as they're gonna get beat Wink

Edited by spaceboy on 13-07-2009 18:41



Spaceboy wrote:
...Sucks for him though as they're gonna get beat Wink

Shows what you know. Pfft Wherever RubberJohnny has gone it's costing TCM.
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