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The interwebs is full of odd people
That is a FACT. We have all run into one or two at somepoint, perhaps even been in a clan with them. Two fine upstanding examples of the internet oddball community ive run into in the past are as follows::

Panax. Nice enough lad wouldnt hurt a fly but never stops talking ever. Anyone that played planetside would know that some attacks need to be coordinated and timing is important. That said there was always alot of waiting around on one or two ppl to get certs or weapon loadouts done, it was all part of the game. The problem was panax had no internal dialogue, he would say everything he was doing, really i mean everything. A normaly waiting period would be something like this:

"Now im going in the door, im walking to the console, im loading up my guns and ammo and im going to get some extra health packs for the medic people. oh im walking over to the stairs, you know ive never been up here, oh theres nothing really up here, im going back down the stairs, im heading out the door. has anyone ever noticed the sky changes colour outside as the day goes on? OK im heading to the galaxy, im nearly there, nearly there, almost... ok im in the gunners seat. This is a very big gun, i like my big guns..."

I could go on but you get the point. Drove me and everyone else on the 58th ts channel insane.

My second lowlight is CrazyDave112. Everyone has had a mate called dave, most of those daves are crazy, that is medical FACT. Some daves are crazy as in fun and awesome to be around if a little eccentirc. My Crazy dave was crazy and not in the good way. What made it worse was that he was completely normal over rogerwilco and did appear normal in all possible ways. I blocked crazy dave when it was made known that he was a streaker at sporting events and had made quite a name for himself in the early 90s at midlands football grounds and had since been branching out into other sports. As a 12 year old i felt having a professional streaker on my MSN was not a good thing.

So they are my internet crazy people who i stay away from... your turn CI members and guests alike.
I dunno:

I like people here:

1. Cake - is just weird and nonsensical, probably a serial killer
2. Spaceboy - is too nice, they're usually serial killers.
3. Mr White is obiously too old to be playing games and is therefore only on here to groom people like Mike

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
In my old (now defunct) community there was this "woman" call Andrea. I use quotes because there were some suspicions that she was actually a man. I never heard her use voice chat so I never knew for sure, but another guy of the community recorded a Teamspeak conversation where "she" was there with a mans voice. She later said that it was her boyfriend using her mic. We also had a members pictures thread where she posted pictures of herself. BUT someone else traced those pictures to a myspace account which belonged to someone called Susan, who replyed that she had never heard of House (old community name) and didn't play games. So, it was quite odd. We never really found out the truth.

Some of you here who play L4D may have seen Shrike, who was also a part of my old community. He was (and I presume still is) a bit of an alcoholic. To me that was made him "odd", but that didn't stop him being so damn lovable. He was posted a picture of himself holding a 6-pack of beer and said "Alcholism is serious, kids". After he reportidly finished his 4th can he said he think he had too much and suddenly went offline for the night. tmi But he's always had the most likable personality and, whether or not he's drunk, he is one of the nicest guys you can meet online.

There's probably others I can think of but it's 01.20
Had a guy in my old CSS clan called Rogue (original name huh?!) who was probably the best player of any game that I've ever played with... well it's hard to judge between him and Sammage (yeah, yeah don't get too cocky Sammage Pfft) but he was that kinda level of good.. just insane twitch aiming skills, basically our clan relied on everyone else on our team getting killed..and then him consistently managing to go on 4 man killing sprees Sick

Anyway, with brilliance came INSANE levels of arrogance XD The kid was only 15, and despite being apparently a 16 stone guy from Mauritius had the most annoying high pitched voice... like when a kid puts on an annoying sing song voice when trying to make fun of what someone's said?.. well his voice was like that all the time :X Also he compounded this by immediately insulting anyone new that we had on TS to try out to recruit for the clan, going on bizarre high pitched rants like a hyperactive kid who's accidentally been allowed to drink real coffee, and generally making sure that the vast majority of people he encountered couldn't stand to stay in the TS channel with him XD Also he never shut up... he was kinda like Bog would be if he took some cocaine and then inhaled deeply from a helium balloon Grin

..... personally I quite liked him, he was fun Grin
I guess I've been quite unlucky with not meeting insane people. If you guys know this:
YouTube Video

I had a guy in my old wow guild who was exactly the same called Zazul. He was brilliant. Used to go along to raids just to hear him rant.
Hungover Engie
You're the strangest lot I've gotten the privelige to know so far.

... you freakskiss


Hungover Engie wrote:
You're the strangest lot I've gotten the privelige to know so far.

... you freakskiss

That's why it works, coz we all strange in different waysBanditFubarMute


That's why it works, coz we all strange in different waysBanditFubarMute

yeah grilla but you is different in strange ways....and it frightends me.
Chill =]
Before TF2 I used to play a MUD(text-based MMO) called Ancient Anguish. So it's a similar audience to people who like MMOs, but generally older and crazier. There were a lot of really really dumb people and a lot of really awesome boglike people. There was also a great deal of internet drama and internet happenings, a lot of people who met on the game are now happily married and some people have slept with the people in charge to get their unbalanced weapons into the game and other crazy crazy things.

I spent most of my formative years there, it was awesome. I could give specific examples of crazy/awesome but I still play now and then and want to respect their weirdness. I do have a textfile my friend made of some total morons though that I could post.

TF2-wise the weirdest thing I've seen is probably bog. Oh and this pretty reasonable argument from darn
this original thread came from a late ngiht chat with =58th=Matt (also i need some thing to cheer me up). After speaking with other friends a few highlights they gave me made me giggle:

SteveH-> properly an odd one i met at a lan and later played battlefield with for some time. Monkee shared a house with him at uni, said that he would have a habit of staring into the bathroom mirror for a few hours on end.... while it was dark.... with the light off...

Cha0skid (skid) -> PLayed planetside with him on NC. He was a nutbar, had the worst habit of team killing and generally griefing to get attnetion. During the outfit wars events (where orbiatl strikes were strictly banned on pain of disqualification) we had a hard fight aganist one outfit that ended in a draw. At the end we all gathered in one base and had a team photo taken of all of us and the enemy, all 40 players standing in group. When the Orbital strike hit it killed everyone and all we could hear was skid laughing to himself on TS. He wasnt in the outfit for much longer after that.

More wierdos please::

Edited by agrippa on 24-04-2009 17:13

Well theres always that agripa guy... I jest, I jest Pfft

Erm, 58th wise the top 3 weirdos were definately Skid, Panax and quite a way back, D00merPS. Doomer was a 15 year old american kid who would not shut up, thankfully he didnt have a mic, but he would type at a silly speed and be spamming Outfit/region/platoon chat constantly, eventually Grendel gave him a kick up the backside, and he wondered off. Panax fell foul of Phathogen, Skid is still a part of the furniture, although a piece that is kept in a secluded back room that never gets seen.

Those are certainly the oddest of people, Bog is odd in a funny crazy way.

Oh, and there was a guy called Overmars back in PS, he was a great player but quite arrogant with occational boughts of childishness, he was only 16/17 and a real life mate of our leader of the time Phathogen. I played with him later on in the Lazor Monkeys Corp in EvE and he seemed to have matured quite a bit in the year I hadn't seen him, so goes to show odd childish people can change. Its the odd adults you gotta watch out for!
Rofl teh cake
Srsly guys... he made Thriller and Beat it. One of my wishes is to become on of the thugs in that video and dance with him all night long.. imo he can fuck whoever he wants, he'll be my hero until he molests my kids. love


Rofl teh cake wrote:
Srsly guys... he made Thriller and Beat it. One of my wishes is to become on of the thugs in that video and dance with him all night long.. imo he can fuck whoever he wants, he'll be my hero until he molests my kids. love


Find attached a picture of SpaceBoy... don't let the photo's timecode fool you, the fact it was halloween was just a coincidence!!
Rofl teh cake
Oh, so he works as a butcher and is in the national hockey team? Awesome.
Gooroo is very strange becuase he somtimes pretend that he can speak swedish and that confuses me.
Ärligt, jag kan inte tala svenska!
varfÖr ni inte tror mig?



gooroo wrote:
varfÖr ni inte tror mig?Shock

varfÖr tror ni mig inte* Pfft
Jag kan ocksÅ tala svenska, och det helt utan att anvÄnda Google Translator... Pfft
Jag behÖver inte Google Translator antingen ... *hosta hosta* BabelFish *hosta hosta*
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