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its one of those evenings!
19:36 - [Ci] sick-lizard: have just sent this round
19:36 - [Ci] sick-lizard: feel free to join in

19:38 - [Ci] Coldkiller: added a bit more for you! bored of writing now, so i'll let you get into a false sense of security and think all my questions are finished, then bombard you with yet another hundred. for which I apologise in advance
19:38 - [Ci] sick-lizard: np lol Smile don't worry i have ways of re-paying Smile

19:47 - [Ci] sick-lizard: rofl
19:48 - [Ci] sick-lizard: refresh it
19:48 - [Ci] sick-lizard: can actually watch it grow
19:48 - [Ci] Coldkiller: so that's why people were adding me!
19:48 - [Ci] Coldkiller: buggers!
19:48 - [Ci] sick-lizard: lol
Note to self.

Don't fuck with sick.

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
Spread the word people Grin
19:59 - [Ci] Coldkiller: just figured out there is a sort of gimp command on, and it isn't just bell ends copy pasting some random crap
20:00 - [Ci] sick-lizard: lol
20:00 - [Ci] sick-lizard: rofl

and more words from the Book of Cold

Edited by sick-lizard on 14-04-2009 20:01

NOOOOO i missed the chance ot comment spam!
it hurts! tmi
Latest Added Bans Total bans: 2426

MOD Date/Time Name Length
Tuesday 14th of April 2009 11:42:23 PM â—¦[Ci]â—¦ Coldkiller 4 hr

an urge to push buttons can somtimes get the better of you.. cold not wanting to upset some randoms or wait for a need, went ahead and banned himself for 4 hours!
what? what did he dooo??

18:51 - [Ci] Coldkiller: but i dunno if sm_chillthefuckout is a real option
18:51 - [Ci] Coldkiller: Pfft
18:51 - [Ci] sick-lizard: sm_quitwhinerretard should be alias of sm_kick
18:52 - [Ci] Coldkiller: lol
[Ci] sick-lizard: eventually came in uber ppl alive and felt point was gifted by respect for train
[Ci] Spaceboy McGhee: ha ha ha
[Ci] Spaceboy McGhee: hooray for the train god!
[Ci] sick-lizard: do not worship false idols all hail the train!
[Ci] Leifalot: lol
[Ci] Tom: maybe it likes us since we gave it so many sacrafices
[Ci] sick-lizard: lol
[Ci] uberhomer: haha
[Ci] uberhomer: thats why they won
[Ci] uberhomer: they sacrificed one of they players
[Ci] sick-lizard: yes they gave 1 sacrifice
[Ci] uberhomer: damn
[Ci] sick-lizard: fe is right omg
[Ci] Tom: anyone has a firstborn?
[Ci] sick-lizard: no but can get half now Grin
[Ci] Leifalot: Throw spaceboy into the pit Grin
[Ci] Tom: should get us a couple of good rounds
[Ci] Spaceboy McGhee: Shock
[Ci] uberhomer: lol
[Ci] sick-lizard: why spaceboy
[Ci] sick-lizard: he is most young and tender
[Ci] sick-lizard: doubt we have any virgins handy
[Ci] sick-lizard: we sacrifice coldkiller, unless rhypnol is involved he will stillbe virgin, having said that he is at public school so may have been spit rosted by now
[Ci] Leifalot: lol
[Ci] uberhomer: Devil

22:20 - [Ci] Coldkiller: Shock
22:22 - [Ci] Coldkiller: my anal virginity is very much intact thank you!

22:24 - [Ci] Fionny: [Ci] Coldkiller : hmm sick has been questioning my anal virginity again Sad

22:37 - [Ci] Coldkiller: i also resent the public school stereotyping!!

Edited by sick-lizard on 27-04-2009 22:38

Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
[Ci] Leifalot is now Online.
[Ci] sick-lizard: lol
[Ci] Leifalot is now Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Steam is crazy today Shock
Ha ha ha Grin
lol Drunk
[Ci] Leifalot: Did we have to have this match at all lol?
[Ci] sick-lizard: no
[Ci] Leifalot: Couldn't you have waited till we got a less tighter scedule?
[Ci] Leifalot: ow well
[Ci] sick-lizard: you said yes
[Ci] sick-lizard: was just stating when they wanted to play
[Ci] Leifalot: I thought we had to lol Grin
[Ci] sick-lizard: lol
(ADMIN) â—¦[Ci]â—¦ Jarhead: next person no speak english licked

oddly, quite a few spanish people seemed up for a good licking...


[Ci] sick-lizard: Gurka*BjornOrnOrn <3 LEIF killed Gurka*victor.. with scattergun.
[Ci] Leifalot: lol
[Ci] Leifalot: Was ages ago lol
[Ci] sick-lizard: lol
[Ci] sick-lizard: you made an impression Grin
[Ci] Leifalot: haha sure
[Ci] sick-lizard: they about to start Grin
[Ci] Leifalot: ok ok :>
[Ci] sick-lizard: u can watch yr fan fail Grin


[Ci] uberhomer: im too busy to join the serrver Pfft#
[Ci] sick-lizard: is that cause dealing Crack, trade starts to pickup round about now as the addicts awaken?
[Ci] uberhomer: exactly Grin
[Ci] sick-lizard: thought so & I'm not often wrong about these things Smile
[Ci] uberhomer: haha


[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: what are you wearing?
[Ci] sick-lizard: i haven't got my fleece on, but i could get it if you wanna get dirrty Grin
[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: just the polka dot scarf- that's all that gets me wet nowadays...just thinking about it isis kljsal ksdlfkk asl a sdfa
[Ci] sick-lizard: what about the flying goggles & helmet?
[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: id adio aiooa sid jaid jaaaaa
[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: jizzed in my pants
[Ci] sick-lizard: thats the shit right there sugar!


[Ci] sick-lizard: i have some great converstions for that thread lol
[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: you are not allowed to copy my messages they are protected by the Crown


[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: my dad is a QC and I will sue for defamation.


[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: Fuck you stop updating it. I know where you live...Bristol. I have the power to make it flood


[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: my children are crying because of you
[Ci] sick-lizard: lol
[Ci] sick-lizard: i can't talk to you anymore there is far to much, i would be following you round like an ambulance chasing legal agent for quotes Grin
[Ci] ĞŸaughtyMe-by GOD I'm QUAD: --conversation cancelled--

Edited by sick-lizard on 02-06-2009 22:30

lmao Roll
Rofl teh cake
Ololololololololololololololololololol Grin
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