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Fuckery to fuck...
Hungover Engie
... I'm off to the army on wednesday!

Slighty scared, any manly tips?
whoa good luck Engie hope you do well, what field you doing? Roll
Oh god! Oh fuck! Oh shit! Why the hell is this happening?! A nice boy like you, they'll eat you alive! Do they play TF2 in the army? So many questions! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!
Mr G
Good luck chap , hope you have a blast and learn lots of manly past times dont want to spoil all ya fun......or thiers Pfft
nah ya be find dude.
When the firing starts and its not your side doin it DUCK like a mofo.
Good luck to you!

How long does your national service last for?
Rofl teh cake
WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT PICK UP THE GODDAMN SOAP....without a glove, because it's very slippery, it might fall down again.
gl hf?
Ha, youngster, here are a couple of tips* for you:

1) one of the most important things during basic training is not taking the instructors seriously. You should still do whatever they say and do it quickly but don't believe the tough guy persona and don't take the shouting to heart, it's a mind game designed to fuck with you and get you in line.

2) Despite that, never talk back to your superiors, it won't end well.

3) When your task is timed always make that time even if it's not complete, you'll get punished harder for missing your deadline than for not completing your task.

4) As long as cake mentioned showers, I don't know how the sanitary conditions are in the Norwegian army but if they're like here you might want to wear plastic flip flops to the shower so you won't get some nasty fungus.

5) Make friends. You're stuck with those people for a long time so try not to be a dick to anyone unless they really deserve it.

6) Masturbating in a guard post is fine as long as you don't get caught.

7) "Safety instructions are written in blood", so don't fuck around with your gun, ammo, or any other thing that can cause damage.

8) The army sucks, but still try to learn as much as you can, there are a lot of useful stuff to learn there.

9) Good luck.Pfft

Also, why the hell do you need an army? To defend yourself from the Swedish menace?

*The use of those tips is in your own discretion. I take no repeatability for any physical, emotional or mental damage caused by following them.

Edited by tomregev on 13-01-2009 14:30

oh lord lets hope they will sort me out Mute

good luck to you engie Smile
Cpt Obvious
I heard that my friends friend started to talk to a orange in army so they sent him out because of minor insanity.
Ofc that was as planned...
pretty much what tom says, dont talk back so instructors. Make friends, youll also need to learn to tolerate some of the people you dont like for a while. Generally in a group you'll have at least 1 person that you dont get on with at all. Put up with them for now, you'll laugh you ass off about it later.

As for personal things:

Hygiene has been mentioned, try to have good hygiene. Only you know how good you currently are, just try to be better as theres nothign worse than having to spend time in close proximity with someone who has bad BO.

Dont give up. Its not an experience that everyone will enjoy but its somethign that anyone can learn and grow from. You'll probably be a fitter, more self reliant and motivated person by the end of it. Just remember its not a process thats designed to kill or break you, its there to educate you.

Edited by agrippa on 13-01-2009 16:09

I have just one piece of advice
YouTube Video
Rofl teh cake
That accent... *shrugs*
Nice find Gori11a
Lick the lid of life!

Ah but what kind of Lid? Shock
Epic Pearls of Wisdom, Gorilla Smile
dude it'll just be like tf2 or COD! ONLY BETTER GRAPHICS!!! but no respawn times though Grin

and don't bend over in the shower lol!
Devilz Slave


crash wrote:
dude it'll just be like tf2 or COD! ONLY BETTER GRAPHICS!!! but no respawn times though Grin

think it'll be more like sudden death...

good luck mate, rock the armyRockWink
we need a dispenser right here!
Rofl teh cake
Are you getting to build sentries?
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