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TF 2 pickup games Guide
Right I thought I'd write a guide (and copy paste a lot) about getting started with Pickup games, no pictures just plain boring text

First Get mIRC mIRC is an advanced version of notepad with colorful chat, it looks fabulous

Once installed open mIRC or Panic whichever option suits you best.

Click file -> Connect... and enter your details (the info will be sold to 3.parties for marketing usage)

While in the same Window click "Servers" and open the Quakenet folder and select "Random UK Server" and click OK

you are now connected to the server, you just unlocked the "join a server achievement" well done!

a box will now appear asking you which channel to join, now type "mpuktf2.pickup" and you are now in the pickup channel, remember to close the door otherwise you'll create a draught and we don't want that do we?

Now you need to get a "Q Auth" otherwise you won't be able to use the channel.

while in the channel type /msg q hello your@email your@email
this is a tricky one, if you got more than one hair on your head you might know
that you have to replace your@email with your real email address, please note Don got help for this step.

Now open your email and activate your channel account.
you now have to log in, but to do this automatically everytime you connect you click

Tools -> Options -> Perform -> enable perform on connect -> add quakenet

now type : /quote auth myautname mypassword
click okay

your mIRC should now be ready for pick up games.
Next step get ventrilo[/url] this is a program just like Teamspeak but this one got a cool icon.
install it and add the pickup server, you can get the details by typing !ip in the chat channel in mIRC

Now you just need to familiar with all the rules and commands.
([url=]all ripped from this site)
Before you start

* Be able to understand and write english
* Know all classes (which weapons they have and how to use them)
* Know all official maps (especially badlands and granary)
* A rule of thumb is to have at least 20 played hours
* Make sure you have cp_pro_granary (extract the files into Steam\SteamApps\your@account\team fortress 2\tf\maps)
* Have the latest version of ventrilo installed
* Add our ventrilo server to your server list (to get info type !ip in our channel)
* If you don't know the 6v6 format, consider watching demos or SourceTV of pickups
* Enable highlighting in your IRC client (mIRC) should be by default)

On #mpuktf2.pickup

* You need to be authed in Q (check this guide)
* Type !add to add to the pickup
* Type !medic if you want to be medic all the time during the pickup
* As soon as you know you can't play, type !del
* Type !map mapname to vote for a map to be played
* When 12 players are added the pickup starts. You will get a private message with server details
* Make sure to join both ventrilo and the TF2 server within 5 minutes
* If the pickup has started and you're in it, if you can't play you'll have to find someone to replace you - this is called a sub. In the channel write "NEED SUB" a couple of times and there will probably be someone that responds. Give that person the ventrilo/server/team info.

During game

* We play with mediclimit 1, demolimit 1, classlimit 2 (i.e. max 2 of each class, and max 1 medic & demo)
* Most of the times each team has: 1 medic, 1 soldier, 1 demo, 2 scouts, and 1 soldier/heavy
* Don't change class in the middle of a match (unless it benefits your team, i.e. ask your team if you may change class)
* Ventrilo is required, so remember to join the right ventrilo channel. Speak english!
* Use a similar name in-game and on ventrilo as you use on our IRC channel
* Don't leave before the match is over! If you have to leave, find a sub!

Failing to follow the rules may result in a temporary ban (lasting from 1 day to 1 week depending on the circumstances).
The most common reasons for bans are:

* Not showing up for a pickup you have signed up for, or showing up too late (i.e. after more than 5 minutes).
* Leaving before the pickup has finished.
* Changing to useless classes in-game, breaking class limits and generally working against your team.
* Not being on ventrilo.
* Speaking non-english during the game.
* Wanting to learn the game from scratch through pickups.
* Not having a similar name in-game as you have on our IRC channel.
* Trying to avoid a ban might give you a permanent ban.
* If you in any way express racism you might get a permanent ban.

Above all: Be friendly!

Now have fun and save the wold twice, thank you.

Edited by Zap on 01-08-2008 13:31
Don Pedro

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
to be fair mIRC is pretty straight forward I've been using mIRC since I had dial up yeaaaars ago.
Fallen Seraph
I have spotted at least one vital typo. but I'm not saying what it is.

[small]you've got "aut" instead of "auth"[/small]
When your putting your details into irc feel free to be silly, my email address is cat at as far as irc is concerned.

If you haven't had a go at this its well worth it if you are playing in clan wars regularly, but be warned some classes get picked fast, demomen slots are gold dust, and although some games can be made up of a bunch of div 1 players I have also had the misfortune to end up playing with people with less than 4hrs total game play so they aren't all great games. As a guideline the closer it is to 3am the better standards seem to get, no idea why.

They have stv for all their servers as well so if you fell like watching some games at a decent standard for new ideas or tricks its worth a look. They changed the name to match the games server lately as well so you actually stand a chance of finding them now.
when you first put your details in you don't need to put in your actual email address it's just when you're registering your nick to use the chan then you need to put your email address in so it can verify your nick

my email for mIRC connect has been since 1997

Edited by Say on 31-07-2008 23:35

Haha yeah the quality varies a whole lot, and typically demoman/scouts are the first slots to go. I had never been able to play demoman until yesterday for the very first time (and again today actually).

And late at night most of the idiots go to sleep and you sometimes get quality games - pugs tend to tail off at about 3-4am.
Yeah, so far I've not got the chance to play scout >.< Though you know, if you ever want to brush up on your medic skills!


Sammage wrote:
Yeah, so far I've not got the chance to play scout >.< Though you know, if you ever want to brush up on your medic skills!

when I played medic, i got called a useless cunt at least 10 times Grin
Fallen Seraph
you get some right arseholes in the pugs, tbh.

I find that one of the most vital skills as a medic in a pug is knowing how and when to tell a player how and when to fucking watch it if they want to get healed for the rest of the match.

you get some great and hilarious characters too. which are great fun.
The new system means that you have to add deliberately as a medic to play it so you shouldn't get forced to any more.

I wouldn't recommend playing medic for kicks though. It seems no one cares if you're a crap scout but do something wrong as a medic and everyone will have a good bitch, even if they all wandered of and left you to die in the first place Sad In saying that do something well as any class and you tend to get a few verbal pats on the back.
thread moved

one less sticky in the private forum

Edited by Zap on 24-08-2008 16:23
Fallen Seraph
Also, put #cleveridiot in your autojoins, so we can see what cleveridiots are online and looking for pugs Smile and have a nice chat, if the opportunity presents itself.

and, indeed, if you need and setup related help, I'm sure it can be provided there.

Edited by Fallen Seraph on 07-09-2008 14:32

I wont get it never never ever

Epic fail fefe Mute
sort by alphabet in spectate tab look for TF2 #mpuktf2 if you fancy being a voyeur Smile
Mr Waffles
I played a few pickup games and I have to say it is fun. Most of the time you don't have pub idiots on it. However, the bad thing about pickup games is that you might have to wait ages for a pickup game to start espeically waiting for the 2 medic slots to fill since being med in a pickup game is generally unpopular. Also pickups are good practice, better practice than pubs in my opinion.

Edited by Mr Waffles on 19-12-2008 22:59

hey hey ppl got it finally Grin lets play a pickupgame Grin since the last post was 19.12.2008 Devil
w00t omg fefe learnt irc dark arts w00t!
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