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i read somewhere that scientists predict that a solar flare in en route to earth in the near future.. i remembered that a solar flare is also capable of wiping out all our electrical systems permanently impaling it to work..

so i decided to look into it and i don't know whether you guys have read this but.. check this out..

"Okay, I was watching this show on the History Channel called, "Decoding the Past: Doomsday 2012: The End of Days". I was watching it, and they provided some very hard evidence that the world might end in 2012.

The show provided proof that the Mayan Calender might have prodicted the end of the world. There calender foretold so many things that actually happened. The Calender predicted two blonde haired Gods that would come from the other side of the vast ocean. The predicted the exact day they would arrive. March 12th, (i forget the year). The Calender also predicted many other things that would happen and did. The calender started form the day it was created, and ended December 21st, 2012.

The Calender even describes how the world will end. On December 21st, 2012, the earths crust will start to shift. It will alter the positions of the north and south pole. It is called a magnetic shift. The changing of the crust will wipe out humanity because climates will change so drastically, it will cause storms that have yet to be seen. All crops and livestock will die, bringing an end to humanity.

If you are familiar with other cultures ancient beliefs, you will find that it wasn't only the Mayans who have prophecies about 2012. The ancient Greeks did, as well as the Chinese, the ancient Romans, the Egyptians, the Cherokee, and many others. I find that to be somewhat strange. The Mayan civilization has mapped the heavens and made a more accurate calendar then we are capable of even today. The date of 2012 is the time when our planet will have gone through a full cycle that is about 26,000 years. That cycle is called the precession of the equinox, and on the date of Dec. 21st, 2012, we will be in the center of the milkyway galaxy. That happens only once every 26,000 years. That is the reason for much of the theories about 2012.

personally, i'd think its a load of bull.. but from so many diff sources? scientists, religion, cultures etc?

what the hell?
Indeed. Bull.
We used to have someone who'd tell of an end of the world prophecy backed up by x sources. Always tended to be around 8am and we'd all wait on the school bus and count down.
WTF is the blonde haired gods bit, it says it was predicted but it doesn't say who that was!
Thing with religions and cultures is they tend to steal each others beliefs. Half the roman gods were greek gods to start with just renamed, then christianity arrived, took almost every aspect of existing religions Smile The beauty of doomsday prophecies is that they sound impressive and you won't be around when they fail to be complained at Devil ...never mind, I perhaps shouldn't start ranting about my beliefs.

I'm afraid I know sod all about the center of the galaxy bit. As far as wikipedia knows though we're miles from the center. I then ended up wikipedia surfing for ages so someone's probably already replied Pfft
Fallen Seraph
Well, I can't say that I've ever heard of any civilisation other than the mayans having a prophecy about 2012...

but yeah, complete and utter bull.

Solar flares of differing magnitudes are ALWAYS en route to earth, they're not that big a deal. Of course, if you're an astronaut in space when a big one goes off you can, indeed, be cooked. In fact it came close to happening once: the guys were lucky and the flare happened on the other side of the sun so they had time to get inside the most shielded part of the ISS.

I just plain don't believe that the mayans predicted the changing of the location of the poles.

Funnily enough, for all the arm waving and pseudo-science that occurs in that passage they fail to point out that while the poles switching is just a hazily predicted maybe-might happen thing (the earth's magnetic field isn't understood very well), there definately exists an exponential decrease in the strength of the earth's magnetic field. It's predicted that this will preceed the switch of the poles, after which the field will exponentially increase again. but that still leaves us with 500 years or so in the (geologically) near future where we'll have no protection from the cell destroying radiation from the sun :rip:

But I *think* we've got another few hundred years before that happens: personally I'm not shitting myself.

Apologies if I blather: this is, more or less, what we're doing in astrophysics atm

Edited by Fallen Seraph on 28-04-2008 18:21

I've heard about this for a long time, I don't believe it at all, hehe
oh dear me where to begin.

The Mayan "Long Count" (which is what crash is refering to) is a calendar or at least a timetable. The long count calendar is like a cycle that is represented by at least 5 numbers written vertically like so::


From now on im gonna write this horrizontally to save space.

Each x represents a period of time in the same way that on an abacus, a bead on teh lower lever can repersent 1, the level above that each bead is 10, above that its 100... and so on. -> is the long count date that represents 20th december 2012. the next day in the long count calendar (21st dec 2012) would be represented as The change in the first number might have been important to the mayans but really on the previous 12 occassions that the number has changed the dates havent been important at all::

Long count Corrisponding Gregorian Date .......... August 11, 3114 BCE .......... November 13, 2720 BCE .......... February 16, 2325 BCE .......... May 21, 1931 BCE .......... August 23, 1537 BCE .......... November 26, 1143 BCE .......... February 28, 748 BCE ..........June 3, 354 BCE .......... September 5, 41 CE .......... December 9, 435 .......... March 13, 830 .......... June 15, 1224 .......... September 18, 1618

Anyway, theres also no evedance that the mayans held these dates as anything other than a possible celebration (similar to a new years celebration today). The world didnt end on any of the above dates, it wont end on the 21st december 2012.

I have a degree in astrophysics and did my dissertation in the history of astronomy, notably the history of oriental astronomy. The guy i was partnered with studied the mayan civilisation's astronomy including their calendar systems and he liked to talk about his project as much as i liked to listen. I knew the original post was wrong as soon as i finished reading because of 1 coversation Id had with my project partner a few years ago. If he was reading this now he woudl be able to list many many more reasons why the mayans didnt believe the world was going to end. In fact he would probably just post "no, thats all bollocks" and attach his 10 000+ word dissertation to the topic.


EDIT:: OH btw, the ancient chinese held alot of beliefs. Science was sometimes used as a political weapon so when a new ruler took over he stampped his authority in a number of ways including commissioning a new calendar. All the caldndars made predictions about when it was going to rain (typhoon season), when it was goign to be hot etc. To say thats the ancient chinese had predictions and prophicies about 2012 is a little like saying that Tescos are making prophecies about 2009 when they start selling wall calendars which show the cycles of the moon on them. Don get me started on the chinese science, its my area of study.

EDIT-EDIT:: And how in the world does this have anything to do with solar flares?! Event he most powerful X-class solar flares have only caused localised radio blackouts and the occassional highaltitude radiation storm (something most people didnt know abotu until i mentioned it just now). They were first discovered in 1859 how int eh world they can be linked with the mayans ill never know

EDIT-EDIT-EDIT:: What the shit is this::


crash wrote:
and on the date of Dec. 21st, 2012, we will be in the center of the milkyway galaxy.

Who are these scientists to whom you refer? Did these prominant individuals go to university or just look at a colouring book in the fucking Early Learning Centre?!! I didnt even read that bit first 2 times around, only now am I seeing this thread's original post lacks the scientific imagination and understanding that you might expect to find in a pack of pistachio nuts. We are on the outer edge of the orion arm of our galaxy::

We would need to travel 50 000 light years to get from our edge of the galaxy to the centre of our galaxy. In other words *IF* we were moving at the speed of light (which we arent) then it would take us 50 000 years to move to the required position to forfill the "prophecy" in the original post.


crash wrote:
That happens only once every 26,000 years.

Who in the world wrote this. It sounds like an SG1 storyline. We were not in the centre of the milkyway galaxy 26 000 years ago. If we had been then theres a fairly high chance we would still be there as there is a probably a supermassive black hole there that isnt too keen on letting things get away from it. To say a solar system makes the round trip every 26 000 years is horseshit.

Was this post designed just to wind me up? Ive never seen such a collection of Pseudoscience since i was told about scientology.



crash wrote:
The Mayan civilization has mapped the heavens and made a more accurate calendar then we are capable of even today.

ARRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! Unbelieveable leves of rage!! This post is fiction, whoever wrote it is a fiction writer. For teh love of all things factual please i beg you to lock this thread and if at all possible delete it forever. Crash also deserved to be punished for passing on teh information in the first place. Well i use the word "informtaion", its about as informative as a duck that can talk but can only say "I'm a cat", interesting, but not even a little true.

BTW i should now say at this point im willing to read anyones opposing point of view on this topic, but before anyone does start posting let me just just say now that you (whoever you might be) are an idiot. If you find youself in the process of trying to support the theory in the original post then i would first question if your parents were in any way blood relatives before they were married. Secondly if you are posting in support of the OP then its probably best that you stay inside from now on as i feel that, by posting in an effort to support the OP, you will be demonstrating how you lack even the most basic decision making skills and are therefore at great risk to being runover by a parked car...

Edited by agrippa on 28-04-2008 19:54

he he - I'm a physicist too - although this is Agrippa's field...


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This amuses me.

I've forgotten what I was going to say ...

oh .. nope i've lost it.


crash wrote:
i On December 21st, 2012, the earths crust will start to shift. It will alter the positions of the north and south pole. It is called a magnetic shift.


Pole-shift theory and Plate Tectonics are TWO seperate subjects, and in that line ..... the earth's crust is FOREVER shifting.

Edited by Say on 28-04-2008 20:57

jesus grippa, how do u get time for TF. To save time I agree with you Sickmilewinkgrin:
Agrippa ... WOW! Shock
Jesus agrippa i wish ur were my teacher fo rphysics at a level before i dropped out lol
Agrippa, you've officially won this thread Grin
What a total mind confused! Shock


Leeroy wrote:
What a total mind confused! Shock

can tell you're from salop Grin
hehe i knew that something like this would spur you to reply agrippa.. was waiting for your rationale in all this.. Grin

agrippa, if its not too much trouble, being a law grad, i would actually love to check out your dissertation, i for one actually grew up studying the laws of science,.. sigh.. sadly, i got lost somewhere and got caught up with the laws of men instead, but i still take the time to read up on astronomy and stuff..

anyways.. that quote i took from was from a forum i took from when i google searched december 21, 2012.. that person mentioned some history channel program named a decade from the past or something, and oddly enough, the whole program is on youtube in parts.. this was the one he was refering to i think..
more than happy to crash but there are no .doc copies left, only my own copy and the one held by my department. I can try to scan it but that will take a while (its about 40 pages long). will give you a shout when its done.


Edited by agrippa on 29-04-2008 11:44

hahaha.. i love conspiracy-ish thingies.. don't get me wrong.. i think its bollocks too.. but i find it astounding how they can tie things together.. lol.. in church i major in the area of the book of revelations.. so your free to ask me anything on that as well .. haha.. back in my foundation year i did my thesis on the conspiracies surrounding the lunar landing.. Giggleol:
Please don't start any shit about the lunar landings - otherwise I may very well expel liquids from my body

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