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Cleveridiot Comics version 2
I while back i started a Cleveridiot comic but stopped after other comisserations , Now that we got some new members im thinking of starting up the comic again Smile

If u got gmod and wanna help pls join inSmile

I was gonna base it on red against blue style, with a look into the life of each teams Smile, i will do a little biography for each character aswell

If u wanna put ur name down and the class u wanna be in the ocmic pls do Smile

Also any ideas such a splot etc or help will be luvely lol :Smile

Title of Comic


Abunai- Soldier
Locke- Sniper
Fallen Seraph- Medic
Agrippa- Spy
Militant Camel- Engineer
nicolastheadept- Demoman
Naughtyme- Heavy
Acegikmo- Pyro
mrbreckles- Scout

Red Team are sorted!

Blue- Ci
Meser- Medic
Coldkiller- Spy
Jem58- Demoman
Say- Pyro
Fionny- Soldier
Don Pedro- Heavy
Sick- Engineer
Nax23- Sniper

Blue teams are sorted!

Plot Possibilities
2 teams pitted against each other wait for one or another to start the attack but how long will it go on for?- Raven

how bouts doing it like a reality tv series hahaha..
something like what leetworld's doing but with our own little twists..
so at the end of every week they'll have challenges to see who emerges as victor .. while the losing team has to like.. i dunno.. do something..

but every other day they just live together .. and its with each and every one's personality that makes up the series lol..-Crash

a sorta romeo and juliet storyline between the pyros of both teams? lol
i had this idea of a short i wanted to do about hax..
somehow i think that can be tied to the matrix in a way..
lol.. but leetworld made one ..

another sorta idea would be to have like.. each and every episode focuses on one single character but still keeping to the main plot.. so like.. you can have flash backs and shit lol..

or maybe on another note.. we could have our very own.. "meet the.." series lol..

ohhh ohhh!!
ads! commercial ads! lol.. we could like make up some fancy weapon upgrades for any of the classes or something and like. . you know..
"introducing the (fill in blank) !! get yours today!"

or like an ad for a certain class with his/her very own specialty from the his/her other peers of the same class.. Crash

Comic ideas
Instead of just using names, Use extreemly exagerated versions of everyones in game personalitys for those charicters- Locke

May be tackle some of the hard hitting issues of society in a light hearted comical TF2 Ci fashion laced into the general plot.

Drug/alcohol addiction - related with uber or backstabbing addiction Demo drinking.(situation of some one going cold turkey or medic sucking on his own heal gun)

Union strikes - Engineers going on strike due to their poor working enviroments of constant threat of spies and constant demand for teleporters

Obesity - related to the heavys dangerous overweight issues.

Speech impaired - The pyros day to day strain of not being understood and the toll on his mental health.- Meser

AgrippA's AdventurE:
Agrippa has just scored 14 backstabs, and that just happens to tie with his record. Now he has to be really careful about what he does, so he can beat his old score.

Meser the Medic:
Some comic showing how busy you are playing the medic, how everyone needs you everywhere. Maybe the comic can have some moral plot, so meser have to pick one side, like the classic Friends or self profit.

Rapier of Raven:
Raven comes up with the idea to play melee only against the opposing team.
It can show the reactions of the other team etc.

Don's Dilemma:
Fat character on a full server. I think you know what this one will be about - Acegikmo


Abunai- Gmod
Jem58- Photoshop
Naughtyme- Gmod,Photoshop, Special effects Leader
Acegikmo- Maps

Edited by Raven on 17-04-2008 15:49
Can I be in it mate as a medic Giggleol:

I got gmod if you need any help mateWink
I'm not a member but i'd be glad to help, got gmod etc
Aye you dont have to be in the clan Smile anyone can be in the comic Smile

Dont forget what colour team u wanna be on and class Smile

What colour u wanna be on meser?
I got Gmod

I've been thinking about doing my own comic but I know I would only make 2-3 comics before I would get bored
You can hlep out zap Grin wud u like to be in it Pfft

I got some funny ideas Pfft
can I just be a general porn star/pimp? Maybe a spy with bling...
Fire away Zap!!! Grin feed me your ideas...brains...
Me as a sniper pwease Pfft AgrippA as a spy on the other team Sad

Epic Quotes from Mr Lazor - "time for a penis break". and "is crit japanese for clit?".
lol which colour team u wont to be on ppl Pfft
I'd prefer red please Grin
Spy or soldier, you can choose for me, whatever works best.
Sorted Abs Smile
Fallen Seraph
I wouldn't mind being a medic plox. I don't much mind which team, either.
why not have CI members on blue and non CIs on Red...
Lovely idea agrippa gonna be like that Smile wud u liek to be in agrippa ?
Every comic needs a bad guy...quite happy for you to use my name mate, i nicked it off a dead roman general anyway.

Edited by agrippa on 15-04-2008 19:33

ur in Agrippa Smile
militant camel
I could be an engie :yes:
I'll be any class, would like to be demoman if no one else wants to (namely crash with his sticky jumps! Wink )

Edited by nicolastheadept on 15-04-2008 20:44

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