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How do I shot heal-beams?
Fallen Seraph
I'm rather getting to like this whole medic malark, Anyone got any tips? Specifically: anyone got any rule of thumb for staying with your healee in a suicidal situation? I usually try to play it safe, but was rather impressed with Meser's judgement in staying with his healees. Is there any aspect of a situation that makes it a better idea to stay even when it's 5 on 1?

All general tips appreciated, though.

edit: also, another thing which has been bugging me: is it usually worth it to shoot an uber on someone to save their life if that uber will be otherwise wasted? Like, a soldier is fighting a pyro and losing and he's nowhere near the front line, should one fire the uber on him to save him?

Edited by Fallen Seraph on 01-04-2008 23:45

c'mon messer ::: do a proper how to be a good medic post. IT will be good for when the updates come out and everyone plays medic because people might read the post and be a little less bad at it Smile
I've mentioned before I have a medic guide I wrote a little after launch because I was so annoyed at being forced to play medic since everyone else was so bad at it. Now you'll hardly ever see me play it and I wasn't the best medic ever anyways!

When I do play I tend to leg it if my healee dies, get distracted and wander off if we pass a hurt teammate. If my life is in danger I run also. That uber is potentially a game winning thing and it takes so long to build up its worth him dying to protect. If you die he's probably going to die too also.
Also answers my other question, unless the pyro is going to kill you immediately after then give the guy a heal but hope thats enough. I'm not sure but for some reason mediguns seem to heal faster when fully charged..
The most important thing with a medic is staying alive at all costs, with voicecomms telling the person you are healing that you need to get a health pack & if your stopping to buff others & top up on route(buffing diff people helps fill up uber quicker)

so its there choice if they stay & fight or follow you while you

When a wall is nearby keep your back against it to stop spies back stabbing.

It maybe tempting to always tag behind or infront your main healing target but staying statically linked makes you a sitting duck keep moving & looking everywhere remember the beam doesn't care if your turned away.

You can move faster than most other classes so use this to pre warn team by running ahead & having a sly peek round the corners etc

Heal other medics above everyone!

Remember when running away from pyro's not to run backwards & shoot at them as you are slower & they will bbq you.

I'm sure Messer will have plenty more to add, this just my two pence Smile
Speaking as a healee, I have a few thoughts, although some of em are pretty obvious, but they still happen a lot on public.

Never run ahead of the healee, especially in narrow corridors.

Don't get too close, stay a couple of yards behind, especially in corridors, the healee might move forwards of backwards many times on corners and if your too close you may end up in front.

Talk more, tell the team when your close to uber 80%+, also give your rough position, left 2nd cp etc then players will come to you which gets the team grouped up, the medic should be the focus of the team. Medics don't talk enough imo.

Watch your back and never stay still, hop around and be random, you should be constantly looking around, top up other players and inform healee if you see anything.

In suicide situation and ubered, I would usually call with 20% left for medic to go. It just depends how confident you are with the healee, sometime's it pays to stay.

If there's more than one healee, rotate uber a bit .

As for the scenario about saving someone, it depends on a few things, if you can get away from the pyro after the soldier is down, if your near the cp or enemy intel then it would be worth doing it especailly if there are no other healee's about. if your near the spawn, then that player will be back in play in 10 secs so it wouldnt be worth it, however you may have a long walk to the front with that uber, so you would need someone as escort, a soldier could always rocket jump to the front line so you may get back up to 50%.

Choose the right healee. No point ubering a heavy or soldier to deal with dug in sentries, use a demoman.


ShiftyJaffa wrote:

Choose the right healee. No point ubering a heavy or soldier to deal with dug in sentries, use a demoman.

Absolutely, I have seen Dustbowl 3 medics continually ubering their favourite soldier and heavy to take out the matter how many times I ask them to uber the DEMOS.

On that subject matter, is my tip:

If you are ubering a demo to take out those darn sentries, then get in between him and the sentry. You will take the knockback while he can throw in his stickies. It's ever so annoying to be ubered and vainly trying to claw my way towards a sentry pit.
Voice com is defo needed for medicing higher than the once in a blue moon pick. I'm actually gonna pick up a mic today just because I've become so frustrated with my healing target running to some shiny object / jumping out of range / yelling at me for healing someone else when he lost 5 hp...

Being a good medic is also something that comes when you play the class for a bit, dodging rockets and other dangers etc. becomes something you can handle ad therefore keep your target alive
We are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world
Yeah tinyt I picked up a mic for the same thing - although part of it was to stop people (jokingly or not) wondering if I was a girl Pfft. When I started playing tf2 an unnamed semi-regular added me on steam and after a half-hour conversation the bombshell was dropped - 'do you consider yourself a girl gamer?' :no:

I actually found it really weird starting to talk in-game after being a mute for so long but now it's almost semi-pseudo-quasi-natural.


jem58 wrote:
Yeah tinyt I picked up a mic for the same thing - although part of it was to stop people (jokingly or not) wondering if I was a girl Pfft. When I started playing tf2 an unnamed semi-regular added me on steam and after a half-hour conversation the bombshell was dropped - 'do you consider yourself a girl gamer?' :no:

I actually found it really weird starting to talk in-game after being a mute for so long but now it's almost semi-pseudo-quasi-natural.

I sniggered in the middle of a call at work reading that Pfft
Don Pedro
playing heavy a lot recently means i am very aware of medics and their styles/qualities. Sometimes a medic is dangerous,especially when they dont have a mic/dont understand english. I guess you take stuff for granted on the Ci server that the level is quite high and people have general common sense.
being a medic is sometimes seen as the easy class to play as no direct combat tactics are needed. *i dont play much so i'll play medic* kinda thinking.
Medics are the most important class in TF2 especially in competetive matches, but also on the pub servers. As sick said, staying alive is most important. For a medic healing a heavy, the medic is another pair of eyes and another VOICE. TELL ME when someone is shooting you, dont expect me to turn around, i might have other things going on(another heavy-medic, joint, beer or small trousers etc)
I love medics BUT:
Keep moving, all the time even when no one around (spies...)
Face the other way to the heavy you're healing, healing gun dont mind which way you're facing, you can see shit the heavy cant and warn them.
Think in advance where your next safe(ish) place will be. move quickly across open ground, include jumping to minimise rocket damage.
oh, and most important of all:
ALWAYS HEAL THE HEAVY CALLED [Ci] DON PEDRO and ignore the soldier called [Ci] Mr White, he is only pretending to be injured
cor blimey, strike a light guvna
do carry on

Edited by Don Pedro on 02-04-2008 17:33

oh yeah if you hit a cp uberred & nobody is there remember to turn the uber off lol, you can't take a CP with an uber on! I have made this error before & we could have taken the cp & moved on but I didn't turn off the uber quick enough!

& if Don is to stoned to look after you as a medic, try to heal anyone else but me.. I'm the worst to be a medic for & often feel guilty for leading medics into the Jaws of death!

Oh & when we are healing you don't bloody just stand there staring at me, look for people trying to kill me & get them first.
It gets really annoying when you have a queue of people to heal on Public servers & you end up dying as some tard is just watching there health bar go up... (sorry had to get the winge in)
Another tip - don't uber without giving me some warning. Many a time as heavy or demo I have been ubered just as I am running out of ammo...embarrassingly I have tried vainly to take out a level 3 turret before with my bottle.

However, it was more embarrassing being ubered, but managing exactly zero kills - hardcore!!

Lastly - heal [Ci] DON all you like, but please.....please, don't ignore me prancing around in front of you in flames, it's not a party act, I'M DYING!!!!

Edited by NaughtyMe on 02-04-2008 18:56

Fallen Seraph


sick-lizard wrote:
oh yeah if you hit a cp uberred & nobody is there remember to turn the uber off lol, you can't take a CP with an uber on! I have made this error before & we could have taken the cp & moved on but I didn't turn off the uber quick enough!

ah! that's what the second stealth nerf was! I'm reasonably sure that the ability to do that was taken out a patch or two ago. Please correct me if I'm wrong (I rather hope I am) but I'm pretty sure I've seen it just run down regardless of whether your love laser is out or not.
Clever Idiot
Ya right it does nt save it that was taken out

what sick is pointing out is if you are ubered and the ube dont count to capping the point untill the uber comes off.

hes saying swap to a weapon if you find yourself in this postion, you can always flick back to healing and if there is still uber in the gun it will work.


naughtyme wrote:
Another tip - don't uber without giving me some warning. Many a time as heavy or demo I have been ubered just as I am running out of ammo...embarrassingly I have tried vainly to take out a level 3 turret before with my bottle.

However, it was more embarrassing being ubered, but managing exactly zero kills - hardcore!!

Lastly - heal [Ci] DON all you like, but please.....please, don't ignore me prancing around in front of you in flames, it's not a party act, I'M DYING!!!!

lol sometimes, I'm mean & will uber ppl for jollies in public .. its even funnier if i know they have no ammo.. my fave is ubbering sniper as they always get out there big chopper while I shine my love light on em Smile

Also be aware if the main target of my healing love is taking a load of damage, I'm not going to stop healing him, until we either get to cover or he stops taking damage before i will try to heal you, If i can top you up, i will it depends on how much damage fatty is taking Smile If you want me to heal you hang round in cover & i will get to you. if your okish healthwise, help fatty take down who ever & I can heal you both properly Smile

Edited by sick-lizard on 02-04-2008 19:10

Learning how far the healing beem can be strechted is useful, can be played around with during setup and lets you know just how far away you can stand once you've started healing someone. Taking hits from the sentry is definetly worth it when healing any class not just demoman. When to uber is very situational dependent, but two living players are better than one and you can always get another uber.

Most of playing medic is common sense heal key classes first (top up other medics if they need it but they will regenerate so you can stop once they arent in the red), if there are no opponents about heal everyone (it takes a while for the overcaharge to go down & 3 soliders at 280hp is way more effective than 2 at 200 and one at 300), dont overcharge spies they dont need it someone else will go heal them, be your teams spotter they will be looking at they guys they're trying to kill so have a look around and find their next targets for them.

The hard part to playing medic is learning how to judge what other players will do and who you should pick as a medic buddy, ie jem is a good player but as soilder he will rocket jump all over the place and like as not get you killed if you follow him so you're better just topping him up when he needs it. Not much you can do but watch players during respawn to get a jugde of that.

p.s when a medic heals you press z then 2 so you say thanks its only polite and takes no time at all


Krakyn wrote:
jem is a good player but as soilder he will rocket jump all over the place and like as not get you killed if you follow him

I hate medics who sticks to one heavy through the whole game.
It's really annoying, so don't do it Smile

When I play medic, I always try to see where the people who screams "Medic" are. But the HUD arrow on screen is really buggy, even if you turn around, the arrow is still in the edge of the window. Sad
Also, be careful when you uber a pyro.
If there is a sentry there, it will most likely push him back.
Use a demo uber to remove those sentries.

You can also uber a friendly spy.

I did that on crash, he got one backstab! Shock
You can recognize a good medic when you see one. I personally hate those that stick to one person for an entire game. They can leave the server as far as I'm concerned.
Control yourself
Take only what you need from him
looks like im too late to input think ive resolved my pc issues today ill have to wait and see.

Great advice there though

Im a bit hazeyWink at the mo, but will add any other advice when i can think of it ready for new acheivements.

Healing one person is very silly when one healee is buffed to the max it slows your uber charging so always keep jumping aroun healing everyone to charge uber faster.

Im pretty sure if you want to be healed faster, calling for the medic makes you health bar increase faster when being healed than without calling but you dont charge uber as fast been trying to see if it does for sure but not conclusive yet. Think it may be like crit healing that goes faster at any time like crit firing.

Try and find a spot were you can heal anyone on the frontline and avoid cross fire. The more people you can heal the more chance of kill assists.

When im medic I get alot of time to look around so try and be your healee's second pair of eyes keep an eye on the rear and keep an eye out for agrippa, as a idle medic looking at your healee your irresistable to spies.

As medic when you are ubered you can exstinguish team members who are on fire instantly, So hit all the team members to avoid pyro panic do this fast enough and your primary healee wont lose his uber protection.

Add more when my brains working betterSmile

Edited by MESER on 11-04-2008 16:53

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