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games for lanparty
heho i make a lan with a couple of friends this weekend
anybody can tell me some good games for it?
what we got:
cnc tiberium wars
Battle middleearth 2
world in conflict (does anybody know if we can play it in network with the same cd key?)
Gears of War coop is good, but you could only play in 2man pairs. That said the multiplayer DM/TDM is really good fun too, and you can play that with any number of people. Also Call of Duty 4, Frontlines: Fuel of War. WOrld in Confilct is a surefire winner, although not 100% sure about the CD key issue. Should be OK, but I wouldn't take my word for it.

Edited by FuZz on 06-03-2008 13:54
arrr i hate the pc version of GoW ... can only play 2-30 mins and then it crash, i tried so many things to fix it but no chance....
not sure you can do that with Wic, get a couple of serial codes of the net...
On all lans Ive played enjoyed so much with Age of empires Smile

Edited by CenTinela on 06-03-2008 17:34

marilyn at
tiberium wars rocks on lan parties, need for speed carbon or underground is also not bad
AVP2 a classic


nax23 wrote:
arrr i hate the pc version of GoW ... can only play 2-30 mins and then it crash, i tried so many things to fix it but no chance....

my friend had the same problem.. but after he just changed the resolution to 800 x 600 it ran alright :yes:
Warcraft 3.
Trackmania: United.
TF2 Smile


crash wrote:


nax23 wrote:
arrr i hate the pc version of GoW ... can only play 2-30 mins and then it crash, i tried so many things to fix it but no chance....

my friend had the same problem.. but after he just changed the resolution to 800 x 600 it ran alright :yes:

Eeeurgh, heathen res.....last game I played in 800x600 was Legostrike (as in counterstrike 1.6), and that's going back a bit Pfft

Whoever suggested WC3, bang on! Loads of great mods, including ofcourse, the mighty DotA. I still playloads of dota, invariably if I'm not playing TF2 that's what I'll be doing if I'm at my PC.

Edited by FuZz on 11-03-2008 10:41
i dont like wc3Devil
i played alot warhammer 40000 at the lanparty and thats a really great
strategy game. 7 races (with the new addon 9) tons of maps and very fast and tactical. and the animations a amazing. real good game
Clever Idiot
Defense of the Ancients
whats that?
It's a wc3 mod. As free rightly said, stands for "Defense of the Ancients", in this case the "ancients" are big buildings in the centre of your base. FOr the sourge it's Arthas' frozen throne, and for the Sentinel, it's the Tree of Life.

Long story short rather than building a base etc, each player (usually played 5v5) gets a single hero character to control, and split up into 2 teams.

Each team has a computer controlled AI army (basic rubbish units) that constantly spawn and charge directly at the enemy's base. The hero's job is to push with the army (whilst holding off the attacking units), slowly wittle down the enemy base's defenses, and the end-point being the destruction of the enemy base.

Hero max level is upgraded to 25, there are something in the region of 100 completely unique heroes to choose from, with some really cleverly worked skills, and there are loads of shops with items that you can buy to make your hero utterly kick-ass. Loads of different game-modes within the mod as well, so its got plenty of playability and longevity.

It's a great mod, and ideal for people like me who like to play RTS games, but lack the micro to play with massive armies at a time, seeing as you only have to control 1 guy Smile

Can download it from (latest version is 6.51 I think), then stick the map into your wc3 folder > maps > download.

Well worth a try if you haven't played it before Smile

Edited by FuZz on 11-03-2008 13:59
Don Pedro
you should just get drunk and shag instead. great game that, used to play it years ago....
Yeah, but that all involves the effort of leaving the house. And women are expensive too.

Would make for an awesome lanparty though, each bring a woman, get bored of computer games? No problem!
Don Pedro
eastern european.
cheap but check for nuts.
there is a bar in thailand where you watch the live premiership footy, drink beer at a table whilst a lady of ill repute on her knees would "give you pleasure".
Do you think lanpartys like that would take off here in the uk?

some friends went to the bar not me.
I'll put together a business proposal tomorrow and head down the bank see what they think about giving me a loan. I reckon we're quids in to be honest.
I'd be most grateful if you would look into catering for both sides of the market on this one.

I for one wouldn't want to take a woman with me to a lan. A man? Yes please!
Fallen Seraph


freelancer wrote:
Defense of the Ancients


It's great for a bunch of friends playing together: being able to laugh at someone to their face after stealing their divine rapier is one of the better things in life.
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