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The most you've laughed at TF2?
We all know that tf2 can often be a pretty damn funny game, but are there any moments in particular which stand out to you from playing?

Once I was spectating a friend of mine who had just started playing tf2. He went pyro on 2fort, pegged it to their spawn and tried to do the Ignis Solus thing of hiding and jumping out. Unfortunately he didnt twig that the scout was running back into their spawn and restocking. Eventually when he was on about 5hp the scout changed to a heavy and completely mowed him down. I lol'd.

Oh, and ubering completely inappropriate classes can be quite funny if the player has voicechat. Seeing an ubered sniper go rambo with his smg gave me a good chuckle.

Oh and ofc the first time I played sudden death on the Ci server I couldn't stop laughing for the duration of the sd. Seeing 28 gimpsuited pyros just with axes is a pretty hilarious sight the first few times.
The game the classes and the characters that play on the [Ci] server never fail to make me laughGiggleol:
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
Two spring to mind:

The great medic-massacre: We were losing unbelievably badly on dust stage 2 (attacking) and so we all just started pissing about. A minute or so someone suggests we should all go medic and rush out ubered at the end. So almost the entire team goes medic, which was pretty hilarious in it's self. Then just as we're standing around healing each other and giggling an ubered demoman pops round the corner. He musn't have been able to believe his luck, he shot one or two stickies (crits, I guess) and just detonated us all. At least 15 medics. Just standing around. Turned into mush.

Second was the first time we did all-heavy melee-only sudden death mode. Just the sight of twenty fatties waddling along stopped me from breathing properly... it still cracks me up.

Some of my favourite phrases from the characters too:
"Eat it, fatty!" (scout killing a heavy with a bat)
"Do you want a second opinion? You are also ugly!" (medic)
"My flesh, it burns!" (heavy)
They make me laugh


Megalomania wrote:

The great medic-massacre: We were losing unbelievably badly on dust stage 2 (attacking) and so we all just started pissing about. A minute or so someone suggests we should all go medic and rush out ubered at the end. So almost the entire team goes medic, which was pretty hilarious in it's self. Then just as we're standing around healing each other and giggling an ubered demoman pops round the corner. He musn't have been able to believe his luck, he shot one or two stickies (crits, I guess) and just detonated us all. At least 15 medics. Just standing around. Turned into mush.

Best ever
it was all over so soon Giggleol:Giggleol:
Mainly its the voices for the characters, I use the voice comm things more and more since I don't have a mic atm.
The "My flesh! It burns!" from heavy was good, also something like "Hmm, I appear to be on fire" from the spy and the heavy yelling "I spy with my little eye!" for the spy warning.. apologises to the server that night when i just spammed spy all the time to hear it Pfft
apparently there's a glitch in cp_well where the scout gets stuck in the door as it opens jamming everyone in! hahaha!! laughed pretty hard when i saw this.
There are others too but not as funny.. well you'll see why Giggleol:Giggleol:
the entire game is funny, also the people playing on our server

like reita playing as an engi last night holding his toolbox and he was
like "would you like to see whats inside??" I lol'ed Giggleol:

Yeah when all the clan is on one team and we talk completely random stuff Grin like whacking ur sentry or get on top of my teleporter and we just laugh our heads off Giggleol:
@ crash, yeah the team roomba griefing videos are pretty awesome.

I got a good giggle from ubering reita as a spy last night in that brutal domination on dustbowl3. 'My knife will be massive! Cmon uber me someone!'
lol yeah i remember that was pretty funny Grin
who was the sniper I ubbered last night even made it to the cp on dustbowl?

its also fun to find someone like bobbles when there playing spy & just heal em, they get pretty vocal when they get near the front line Smile

Edited by sick-lizard on 28-01-2008 17:12

The best thing i laughed about was on a map called cp_vertical.
The enemy Medic uebered one of our spy's.THat was the best i've ever seen Grin
He couldn't believe that he uebered a disguised spy. Tottaly Owned!!!!!!!

And an old one. I've someone ask somenthing similiar, like how can i change the class and another typped "F10". The next moment you see the screen that the user has disconnected makes me laugh every time.

Edited by Armacoast on 29-01-2008 21:01
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