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just post here things everybody should know

Who should use Teleporters and who not:

allowed to(ranked):
1. Heavy
2. Engineer(when repairs "necessary?" )
3. Soldier/Medic
4. The Rest

not allowed to:
Scout and Spies(hint!: to run faster as spy use scout camouflage)

Edited by nax23 on 21-11-2007 15:37

I think one thing to discuss here is how gets priority who goes into teleportersSmile

Obviously Spies, and scouts in my opinion shouldnt use teleporters

While Engineers, heavies and more "explosive" classes should go through Smile
Hehe. Freelancer and I started warning Spy's and scouts that they would be kicked for 30 mins if they use a Tp. Most people laugh and then rofl when we Kick em for not listening. But funnily enough not one play has disagreed with the call tbh, as those two are the fastest movers in the game.

Heavies Medics and in some instances Engineers should get priority I would say but just my thoughts.
Fear not death as death fears not you
I think when defending there is usually enough engineers/tp for everyone except spies and scouts to use them.

When attacking sometimes there is only 1 engineer so that should be considered, but then again Engineers job when attacking is to get team up front quickly and keep them there?
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
I aree with Goriller on the point of engis attacking. We only really need 1 engi really when attacking for tp and dispensers Smile

Onto Dispensers and spies XD, I think Sick already mentioned that Pyro's are most suitable for defense of engi's equipment compared to heavies, Cus heavies absoard all the ammo rather quickly leaving no metal for engi's Smile

Prob the most suitable and beneficial time with heavies and dispensers are right at the very beginning of the round such as on dustbowl and the house Smile spraying like mad XD

Edited by Raven on 21-11-2007 17:51
That's actually wrong. If your only concern is ammo, then you'll find that a Pyro burns through his ammo (no pun intended) from full -> zero slightly quicker than a heavy, although in fairness they're both pretty damn bad for it.
Hmmm good point now that i think about it, just with pyros they just set alight the enemy spy which makes it easier to spot by other teamates Smile

Shock Ranked 1 FuZz *bows*Smile

I was wondering bout ubercharges in terms of offensive and defensive:
Heavy Ubercharge= Defending/ removing sentries
Pyro Ubercharge= Offensive/ crowd control and rush

Yeah, overall pyro's are better at defending guns, for no reason other than they set invis spies on fire, so others can polish them off.

With regards to ubers, from experience in matches so far, defensively you're best off with a Heavy, simply because they make the best use of the time, ie. not needing to reload.

Offensively you've got plenty of options. For anti-sentry you're best of with a demo or soldier, whereas for general fragging/crowd control then probably soldier/pyro.

That's how we play anyway Wink
Hey FuZzPfft Thanks

You can get a really good clear up with uber and Pyro when things get a little close.

Edited by gori11a on 23-11-2007 20:16

if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
I know this thread is old but I thought I would add a comment.
Just thought I'd mention; my main tactic for uber choice is down to the distance from main target. The target usually being an SG, I would use demo if any kind of distance/height and pyro/ heavy if I can get close. I think its all down to the geography of your position.
With regards to TP's, obviously there is a higherarchy and I belive that highjackers should be prosicuted/kicked. I've been a heavy before and had spies/scouts steal from me. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Since we're talking tactics, what do people think is the best time to critzkreig?

In general if the medic I'm with activates it when I ask them to, we'll get tons of kills and gore showers. As the receiver I'm usually in a much better position to see the hordes of oblivious people asking for rockets to faces. But as a medic I am pretty clueless. I usually just activate it whenever I see someone, partly because I don't want to die while holding a cruber but mostly because I like to imagine them shitting themselves. It's really useless in situations where a normal uber is necessary, the crubees throw themselves in front of sentries to find people to kill, it generally ends messy. But from a distance and when you can surprise people it's effective and really fun.

My favorite cruber targets so far are heavies, because they always seem so happy, followed by soldiers. Scouts and spies are usually all piss off and stop crubering me. You can use a cruber on the person running with the intel, which is awesome for getting out of hairy spots and much more useful than a regular uber - but it usually takes a regular uber to get in there in the first place.
Fallen Seraph
As a medic: I don't have a clue how to use the cruber yet. But now that you point it out, I think I see what i'm doing wrong. I suspect the best way to work it is to have the person who's gonna be using it call for it. I don't quite have the 5.5th sense of when to blow a cruber yet.

Also, cruber targets are something else I'm having a really hard time judging. If the other team scare easy then soldiers and demos are, imo, by far the best targets because they can chase them and kick out the pain while chasing. The problem with that is, if the other team realise that you can kill the cruberee then the combined firepower of 5 panicky people will take anyone down pretty fast...
I'm not sure demomen are ideal targets - for setting up sticky traps, sure, but they dont have as much hp as soldiers, and against the faster-moving classes it's a pain in the ass when you've run out of 8 stickies. That, and crit stickies don't cause more damage to sentries (?)

I would always go with a soldier unless the circumstances let another class be exceedingly useful.
On the original post:
Since when did the scout disguise ever make you run faster? Thats always been the easiest way to detect the silly spies who disguise as scouts. Also since the last patch spies lose the glowy trail when cloaking or applying a disguise.

On crubers, I've been playing a medic far more since I got the ubersaw and I tend to find myself hanging around with the cruber far more waiting for a chance to use it which with my saw and the +charge rate I shouldn't be doing really.

Soldiers seem the best class to use this on, but soldiers please take note: Crit rockets are nice yes, but in the time its taken you to reload that rocket you could have fired off 3 crit shotgun blasts Pfft
Also heavies are great for clearing a room, a cruber can turn a heavy into a decent long range class - for example on the pipebridge on last granary points The only problem is that they tend to die by sniper. For this reason I tend to use the cruber on heavies who are already ubered. You don't get any points yourself since the other medic is already healing and you're now the only killable member of a deadly threesome but that group can clear a room easily.

Most of all, pick someone who can aim, demomen are actually incredible cruber targets if they can aim their grenades well which very few can Sad
Don Pedro
give it to meSmile
No reason spys shouldnt use the teles any more (altho they are pretty low in the priority queue imo). Also spy disguised as a scout doesnt go any quicker afaik or get a smaller set of hitboxes to match the scouts model.

However I gotta say by they fact that noone expects a spy to be a scout is the joy of it. I get spy checked all the time as a demoman, cant remember the last time i was spy checked as a scout, you just gotta know when and when not to use it Pfft
thing is doesn't matter what the hell you are ... I spy check anything and everything as a pyro Pfft
I don't spy check scouts Agrippa, I just follow the slow ones and wait until they can't get away. Wink
Cruber: The best way to use it is with a soldier and heavys but you can't use the cruber for a normal attack. It's a good way to use when you can get behind the enemys or if you defend a point. Must say that that works better on custom maps, there is most of the time a way to get behind them.

Did it really work to combine a normal ueber and a cruber on 1 target? Didn't see or get the chance to test it.

To the spy theme: I go most of the time as engi! Search an dispenser and wait to see whats around! Works most of the time. My biggest problem i have as spy is to sneak into there base or point! I get most of the time on the way to them detected.


Ramini wrote:
I just follow the slow ones and wait until they can't get away. Wink


AgrippA wrote:
you just gotta know when and when not to use it Pfft

scouts are small and easy to miss... good for hiding in corners and not for running in the open Smile

I remember being told that a combined uber and cruber on a single target did work, but ive never done it or seen it myself as far as i can remember.

Edited by agrippa on 21-05-2008 22:03

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