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Humble Indie Bundle #2 (Pay what you want)

Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos and Revenge of the Titans


Pay what you want. If you bought these five games separately, it would cost around $85 but we're letting you set the price!

All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

We don't use DRM. When you buy these games, they are yours. Feel free to play them without an internet connection, back them up, and install them on all of your Macs and PCs freely. There is no time-limit on your downloads.

You can support charity. Choose exactly how your purchase money is divided: Between the game developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or the Child's Play Charity. Also, if you like this deal, a tip to the Humble Bundle itself would be much appreciated!
Good news! (really hope we get a steam key for this one too Smile)

edit: sounds like it's going to happen


@humble will you be able to redeem the games on steam for the 2nd bundle like it did on the first one? and also thanks for it!

Jeffrey Rosen
@felipeshaman we've contacted Valve about this, I hope so!

Edited by matswatz on 14-12-2010 19:21

Rofl teh cake
I really want that thing, but no monies on paypal oh god oh god, last pack has been shitty, only Penumbra was good. But this one has Cortex Commando oh god.
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