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Best customer Complaint ever?
Before i begin i am just glad it was not me who took this complaint as i prob would have just pissed myself laughing luckly the manager who did take the complaint was able to keep his head and not even crack a smile untill after she had left.

As some know i work in retail in marks and spencer well BP garage that had M&S food in so everyone views M&S food as the dogs bollocks and we often get complaints of quality when i went to work yesterday there was a 4 pint milk in the office and the other manager said to me have a look at that take the lid off i thought i was going to find it was sour or something else instead i removed the lid and on the seal under the lid (the little bit of plastic you peel off when you first open the milk) was written in the most wonderful hand writting very neat and it all fitted in

"I wanked in this milk MN"

i am not sure why it was such an issue the extra protein in the milk would of been good for her health.

Mr G
excellent , and hats off for such a good aim Pfft
mmm fresh creamy goodness Smile
you then instantly drank the 4 pints of milk in one go? Devil
Rofl teh cake
took em home for... research purposes.
Mr G
Does nt ever one like cream in coffee?

Edited by Mr G on 05-03-2010 18:01

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