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10 best gaming moves/kills?
10 best gaming moves/kills?
Do you agree or have any to add?
I would like to add killing with a flying toilet in HL2 Deathmatch via Gravity GunGrin
Launching Nades with Gravity Gun pretty cool toCool
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
Using force grab to fling enemies into bottomless pits is always as fun. Grin
nothing but dust down here
Mr G


matswatz wrote:
Using force grab to fling enemies into bottomless pits is always as fun. Grin

even more so if they are carrying the flag, welcome to the darkside Smile
Wooo Rocket Jumping Grin
mmm Max Payne Bullet Time. It was very balanced, helpful and very satisfying to use.

It was even more awesome with the Kung Fu mod:

YouTube Video
oh my goodness.. that kung fu mod looks fucking sweet
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