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AH HHAHAHA i snuk up on you all with this one. So heres the thing, the steam forums are batshit insane (as we all know). With the recent blurb that someone found about the posiblity of punishing idlers; the cave of insanity that is the steam forums has just dropped off the cliff of psychosis and into the sea of hysteria.

Like i said, its batshit insane.

In honour of the momentus clusterfuck on the steam forums i have done a small surprise stats post all about the thread at the center or it all::

I hope you all enjoy.


*At the time of starting to write this there are 1,996 replies on the one thread making it the second most replied to thread on the tf2 steam forum. Remarkably 1996 is also the year that Robin Walker, John Cook, and Ian Caughley released the original Team Fortress to the world as a quake mod. The thread was started 36 hours and 50 mins ago and so in that time (2210 mins) the steam community has managed a (really impressive) new post every 1 min and 6 seconds.

*The thread has had 166 381 views, no doubt a bunch of worried people pressing refresh every few seconds... in fact thats just over 75 views around the world every min. At the current rate it will take another 6 hours and 20 mins for the thread to become the most viewd thread on the tf2 steam forums, which is currently the "TF2 Guide List" sticky!

*Assuming the current view rate keeps up then at about 5 PM (BST, Thats GMT+1) it will become the most viewd thread on the steam forums (all games, including CS: S)

*The steam search function can only return 250 results it turns out, which means AT LEAST 1/8th of the posts on the one thread contain "valve" "hats" or "idle" as all three of those terms maxed out the search function. Interestingly "cheat" only comes in 66 of the posts.

*Misterdevious, the guy who has started the thing currently has 1337 posts on the steam forums... imagine that. The thread has apparently gained him an additional 38 reputation points. Unfortunatly AFAIK on steam forums, points dont make prizes.

* By the time i finished knocking this together (at 15:45 BST) the post count had grown rather neatly by eleven to 2,007. Those of you who were paying attention to the first point will appreciate coincidence when i remind you all that TF2 was released in 2007.


Remember kids, stats are both big and clever (most of the time)

Edited by agrippa on 02-09-2009 16:33

oooh, shiny
nothing but dust down here
woo surprise stats!

anyways, that's a lot of people talking a lot of nonsense, pure speculation (or at the parts i bothered to read were!)

i think it's funny people care about hats enough to idle though.
Wow... that is not a thread I will be reading Grin

Is there any chance that this density of idiocy all compacted together in one point in time and space could achieve "stupidity-fusion" and provide a totally free and renewable clean energy source that will usher in a bright new era in humanity's history?!


Spaceboy wrote:

Is there any chance that this density of idiocy all compacted together in one point in time and space could achieve "stupidity-fusion" and provide a totally free and renewable clean energy source that will usher in a bright new era in humanity's history?!

I find that highly unlikly as there isnt a bright spark amongst them.

Edited by agrippa on 02-09-2009 16:51

Im interested in the concept of cheaters having to be forced to wear an item Grin
Rofl teh cake
A giant cock on forehead.
That would be funny to see but I don't think it would put people off idling.

THose are some scary stats :X
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