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Me Bottle of Scrumpy - a movie

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
So THAT's why you love crits.

Great video, fun to watch. Never thought a video of you hitting the bottle could be so enjoyable Pfft Probably because I'm not in it.

Edited by Mike on 27-08-2009 23:54

Nice work, would've liked it better had you included the kill notifications but oh well. Loved the scout getting gang raped at 6:17.
Nice vid but how many times did them magical green words appear Grin

Made me laugh goodun
Mmmmmmm Bottley Grin
you sir are an ass


Edited by agrippa on 28-08-2009 00:51

that's a lot of bottle crits! i'm fairly sure i would have been one of those unwilling victims given the number of times naughty has done that to me...
great video, personally I love the kukuri
Was good Smile I was that spy shortly before the scout gangbang
Fun vid! Rock I was the engi on the last point of Goldrush, my sentry avenged me though! Moon
Thanks, all.

I made the movie for the fun of it really, so that's why the names got removed, they weren't reallly necessary.

However, for information and from memory:
Agrippa was the obvious one
Hunt0r was the Demo who I get reveenge on SawMill and the soldier at the end who got bottled before the blooper reel. And the Demo who got away on the train in Freight.
Fens was the engineer I gleefuly bounced into the air, bottle and got killed by his sentry
Jem was the Demo in Steel neer Point B who got stickied into the air and despatched
Rayden was the Spy desperately trying to keep still in Nucleus.
Spaceboy was one of the Spies on Goldrush - either the red pyro who ran up and got bottled or the Blue Sniper hiding by the first aid kit.
AgrippA was the poor soul on Yukon who ran into the bottle as he came around the corner.
Solo was indeed in there somewhere...twice I think, just cannot rememebr the exact points.
FeFe was the party pooper Soldier on Goldrush who I bounced in the air for an epic bottle, but shot me with his shotgun instead.

Anyway thanks to those who indulge in a healthy bottle vs implement battle - which I don't always come best off in! Smile

Oh music:
Annul - Ed Harrison (from Neo Tokyo)
Oh My Gosh - Basement Jaxx
Pearl Shot - Evil Nine
Bang Bang - Audio Bullys
(back to Annul)

Edited by NaughtyMe on 28-08-2009 09:53


Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Mr G
i'll drink to that , great vid
I think I'm not one of these bottled guys 'cause I always shot naughy before I notice that he wants to go melee sorry for that ...
but nice vid naughty Smile


fefe wrote:
I think I'm not one of these bottled guys 'cause I always shot naughy before I notice that he wants to go melee sorry for that ...
but nice vid naughty Smile

Most of the time actually, that's the danger.

However, Fe, you were the Scout on Steel the other night who I denied jumping to the ledge from E with a bottle to the face....down you fell....and that was satisfaction enough!

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Rofl teh cake
Some of those kills were really nice, but a few were some generic bottle kills, which just happen, because they are supposed tp happen (can't explain it myself Pfft) so this kind of dumbs down the awesomeness.
I give you a 7/10 rating, because I like your taste of music.
Its always funny seeing a demoman rush in when everyone else is to scared to move forward, and bottles everyone. Awsome video Grin I saw myself several times as well, either supporting you or getting bottled by you, like the medic who was bottled at 3:30 :X.
Nice work, cool chooons toRock
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
oww yeah I forgot that ._. Devil
naughty's bottle is full of love Smile
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