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I just saw that FF7 has been released on the playstation network for £8. Its not a remake just the original game ported for psp and ps3 i believe, so no updated graphics or anything like that, ive not had the time to play it since release so not sure.

Link to info page here ->

Just thought id post here fore those who are fans but didnt know Smile

Edited by agrippa on 06-06-2009 15:46

Meh, 5 and 6 are the best ones anyway.
Rofl teh cake
Only played 9, from what I've seen I can say it was quite good, never bothered to finish it tho.
9 is probably one of the worse, at some point I just completely stopped caring what's going to happen and stopped playing.
Ahh loved ff7 top ps1 game
Going against the grain, couldn't stand FF7. Or any of them.
Planescape torment for me thanks.
Good news for those who want to re-purchase a 10 year old game though Pfft
Planescape Torment was amazing Abunai! Just a really inventive awesome story Grin.. I also really liked the Baldur's Gate games in the same vein even if they were a bit more regulation DnD.
8 was my fave. 7 had a better storyline, but I thought 8 was more fun. Annoyingly I could never beat any of the side-quest weapons. Omega weapon at the end of 8 and the 2 final weapons in 7 were fucking impossible.

Edited by Mike on 08-06-2009 13:03

If I think about the Baldurs Gate series I always end up finding a dl of it somewhere with all the patches and good community updates (I've managed to avoid installing it so far but you bastards have got me thinking now). I lost far too much time to that game. Frown
i did love bauldurs gate 2 and Throne of bhall.

I seem to remember my character name was "Jean Luc Le Honky-Tonk" ... lord knows why
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