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Ci L4D server banner.
Not much to say really. I was bored and noticed that the ci l4d server didnt have a banner. For some reason i was inspired by the lack of a banner and ran to my photoshop and createed a load of random banners.

Feel free to use them if ya want. If you want them all or want a specific one just tell me the number and ill send you a link to it or repost or something. Or if you can be bothered just crop them out of this image Pfft
Wow! Nice work Undead! Grin
Cpt Obvious
The second banner from the top and with text:
Grabbin your peels
Nice - 6.

I would have said 8, but you need to clip the Tank better. Good work though!

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
good job Grin
I like all of them I can't choose D:

very nice Smile
Nice undead like 2 and 3 the most Smile

they wud make awesome signatures too Roll

Edited by Raven on 29-04-2009 12:15

Mr G
wow those are great dude, it inspired me to make one as well Smile

motd background image am starting on

Edited by Mr G on 29-04-2009 14:56

militant camel
I like number 6. Smile
lol G, love the bottom picture, the top is very badly stretched Pfft
Mr Waffles
I need a server banner for the L4D server so that's why I revived this thread.


Mr G wrote:

motd background image am starting on

I'm using the boomer image as my motd becasue it's great.

Great work Undead. I want to use number 3 but I don't know how to crop it or get a link that only shows number 3.
Number 3 is the sex tbf Smile
wow awesome work, actually I love all of them Grin
Thanks guys :3

Heres number 3 for you Mr Waffles. If you need any help just shout and I will see what I can do Smile
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Mr Waffles


Undead2k wrote:
Thanks guys :3

Heres number 3 for you Mr Waffles. If you need any help just shout and I will see what I can do Smile

Thanks a lot Undead and to you as well Mr G for the funny boomer picture.
This should fit in the banner box perfectly. :3
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Edited by Undead2k on 10-09-2009 15:23
I have a new theory as to why the image is not fitting in the box properly. The image is not to blame but the HTML must be at fault.

I believe you need to disable the padding and margins on the HTML page. To do so, replace your current "" code with the code below.

This SHOULD fix it. :3

Edited by Undead2k on 11-09-2009 15:21
Mr Waffles
OK thanks Undead, I'll try this
Mr Waffles


Undead2k wrote:
I have a new theory as to why the image is not fitting in the box properly. The image is not to blame but the HTML must be at fault.

I believe you need to disable the padding and margins on the HTML page. To do so, replace your current "" code with the code below.

This SHOULD fix it. :3

I don't get what you mean by "replace your current "" code with the code below. "
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