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L4D DLC preview
Mr G
ta dude - hmm sdk, might have to get back to some hammer time.
Cpt Obvious
ooh new mode sounds fun.
And finallyyy dead air vs. been waiting for that the most.

I hope this means the DLC is close.
Survival doesn't sound that appealing to me, it's like an insane finale that you can't win, also 3 hunters and smokers at a time is bullshit. Two tanks sounds fun though.

Edited by tomregev on 05-03-2009 12:17

Rofl teh cake
Well, they are going to be computercontrolled and computercontrolled special infected are playing shite, so it might not get that hard against those...but not even being able to survive 10

I've always wanted a survival mode for L4D, something like building up your little fort with your friends and then shoot everything, let's see if this will suffice...


Rofl teh cake wrote:
Well, they are going to be computercontrolled and computercontrolled special infected are playing shite, so it might not get that hard against those...but not even being able to survive 10

I've always wanted a survival mode for L4D, something like building up your little fort with your friends and then shoot everything, let's see if this will suffice...

From the sounds of it, as time progresses, new rooms open up, because your ammo will start to decrease.

I hope it doesn't end up like ZPS - that would be horrible. However, it is really useful if you just want a quick game - 10 mins MAX. (wait add on another 10 mins to find a server).

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Sounds like a camp fest tbh. Group in a corner (or a closet if Valve have been so stupid as to add them), wait for a new place to open, wait for a gap in between waves of zombies, move and repeat.
And die before 10 mins.

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Rofl teh cake
Well, yeah, its gonna be a total campfest of course, if they don't add tactic elements in it. Pipebombs and canisters and shit won't do it imo.
It doesnt sound like its going to be much then.

2 new vs campaigns and a couple of 10 min levels. Most of which we have already played to death from playing the standard content over and over again. :/

I hope we can put them on expert on survival mode, that would make things last for agse :3 I also hope we will get loads more new and hard achievements which ACTUALLY do something like tf2 does Grin (I doubt this very much :/)
at least for survivor mode its new maps rather than ones from the campaigns Smile
Cpt Obvious
only one of them is new, rest are areas from current maps.
But i think im gonna enjoy them. Reminds me of good old zombie survival challenges from timesplitters.
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