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Advance wars?
Cpt Obvious
Any of you merry men have the latest installment on DS and possibly nintendo wifi?
Some gamed could be nice timekiller.
im a big big fan of a-wars (prefer dual strike tho). Unfortunately i don't have much in the way of spare time nowadays. willing for a few rounds one weekend tho
Cpt Obvious
Dual strike is a bit unbalanced for my liking but still would love if it had online as well just for fun less serious battles.

Anyways my AW: DC friend code:

Feel free to add and spam here or harass on steam if you feel like trying a match.

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 24-01-2009 12:55

ive got dual strike and dark conflict, but no wireless Sad
Cpt Obvious
sucks to hear :/ its really not too expensive so i suggest grabbin one.
I've got Dual Strike but not Dark Conflict. I Remember that I did never finish the campain, the last map was so hard Frown.

Edited by Leif on 26-01-2009 17:25

I have AW2, DS and DC .. but no wireless D:
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