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Hungover Engie
... is laggy as hell. Not all the time though, i just get these lag spikes a tad too often. Sadly my leet computer skills is based on dumb luck, any advise before before I attempt to play online?
do have a normal ping when the lagspikes come?
Hungover Engie
Yep. Same thing happens with tf2 as well, but not as often.
Hungover Engie
Err, what?
do u got wlan or normal lan to ur internet connection or what internet u got(hsdpa/umts? or dsl/cable)
i got lagspikes too because of my wlan connection im sometimes losing packets
Hungover Engie
I have dsl/cable and I'm pretty sure i have nromal lan. Let me get more info on that matter after work.
My TF2 used to lag or low fps when my ping was ok.

So I ctrl, alt, deleted and got up task manager and something was using 50% of my cpu.

So I googled it and found out it was safe to turn off (something to do with nero).

Check task manager when it happens again see if you can see any high cpu usage.
Hungover Engie
Found some funky things running in the background and googled them. Appearantly my anti-virus have caught a virus.
And something called "wiskeystate.exe"??

Ended them both.
wlan = wireless lan I think
Hungover Engie
Right, home (finally).
Nope, I got all wire contact with my net.
What kind of "lag Spike" ? Do you mean low fps at certain times or does it look like actual lag where a player could be running, stop, then suddenly appear 10ft forwards from where he was?

Edited by Mike on 31-12-2008 04:43

Hungover Engie
Nope, it's me who's m-o-v-i-n-g l-i-k-e t-h-i-s.

I'm stucka at a halt here, I've been tuning down the video preferences, but it makes no noticable difference whatsoever.

Very annoying.
Rofl teh cake
Try playing without firewall.


Rofl teh cake wrote:
Try playing without firewall.

Given your history with viruses....
Cpt Obvious
Im using hurricanesoft firewall and its always enabled and no slowdown or any lagspikes at all.
And i havent had a virus in over as year propably thanks to the good firewall + avg free.

Edited by Cpt Obvious on 31-12-2008 14:19

Hungover Engie
Thing is, my laptop is pretty much brand new, I'm fairly certain that that it isn't viruses (of any significance anyway) and I've tried disabling both firewall and anitvirus.

And the game runs so smoothly when it doesn't lag. Something is overloading something and I'm at the brink of raging.

Rofl teh cake
Holy feck, I am having a kind of same problem with TF2. It runs smooth most of the time, but I randomly see myself walking forth while everyone around me is suddenly standing still. Then it's like somebody rewinds and I stand on the same place like before, while they have moved forward. Srsly, it is ruining the whole game. I started to get these problems when I got my pc back, when it was supposed to be as good as new. Also, I got a new Antivirus/Firewall now, which I leave on while I'm playing. So I think my firewall is being a dick. Fuck you Norton 2k9 Headbang
heat issue maybe? it got easy access to air
u defragged it at all recently ?

L4D kept crashing after install for me, untill i gave the drive a defrag

Edited by frosty on 01-01-2009 06:43

Hungover Engie
I'll try that.
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