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L4d Achievments
i got it, i got it, i got it! Smile
im so happy to let all of u know i got Safety First , Unbreakable, Stomach upset and CROWND!!!
Nax your obviously very proud of your new achievements, taking the time to create a new thread and making 2 mins of my very boring work life vaguely interesting. so i feel bad that nobody has taken the time to congratulate you or give you praise that you so obviously deserve/want.

therefore let me be the first


yeah randell
u rock too Wink
thx 4 taking the time
Cpt Obvious
Now that i have L4D i can see the importance of this topic!

My biggest achievement so far was 2 pounces in one life =P
Well done Nax Grin I don't have any of those Grin
The question I'll ask before issuing congratulations is whether you did it online or on a singleplayer easy settings map Pfft
I don't think I'll ever get safety first and unbreakable, at least I can take some comfort in the fact that I'm a ZOMBICIDAL MANIAC.

Edited by tomregev on 14-12-2008 19:27

it was totally luck
and they dont count achievments done in the easy mode
i played with bots and didnt looked to get them, i just played like always
2 more expert campaigns to go.

Last nights game with naughty and funky was hilarious: 4 hours on Death Toll Grin


nax23 wrote:
it was totally luck
and they dont count achievments done in the easy mode
i played with bots and didnt looked to get them, i just played like always

Yes they do - I got Man vs Tank on easy on the last stage of Dead me pathetic I don't care.

Still cannot get Untouchables though.

And yes Mike - our plans were hilarious on that Death Toll campaign:

"I know you 3 stand in that cupboard and I'll stand in the toilet"
"Oh wait, that won't work, we'll end up shooting at each other"


"Run, fucking hell, runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...quite fast....shit!"

- Take 10
Didn't we nearly complete death toll a week or so back by all cramming into the toilet? Then the server crashed *fume*

I confess I got unbreakable, man vs tank and akimbo assassin all within 2 speed runs of easy. Actually quite a challenge. Run. You're not allowed to stop. The computer will fall behind and probably die and you'll spend half your time surrounded by zombies bashing them out of the way. A special infected that you fail to counter kills you.


Ramini wrote:
Didn't we nearly complete death toll a week or so back by all cramming into the toilet? Then the server crashed *fume*

I confess I got unbreakable, man vs tank and akimbo assassin all within 2 speed runs of easy. Actually quite a challenge. Run. You're not allowed to stop. The computer will fall behind and probably die and you'll spend half your time surrounded by zombies bashing them out of the way. A special infected that you fail to counter kills you.

Yes, that was when we were at the second tank and were about to peg it to the boat - BASTARD servers.
Cpt Obvious
damn sounds like fun, gotta practise so i wont be dead weight on expert =P
Just watch out for spaceboy 'accidentily' shooting you on expert Pfft
Funky seems to shoot people less on expert. This leads me to believe he does it on purpose the rest of the time Devil
imao i tried some achievments on easy but they didnt count! ... suxxxxxxxxx
20000 zombies to go...
I didn't shoot you on purpose! You had a bug on you, I was merely trying to get it off in the most expedient manner possible! Smile
ZOMBIE BUG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes spaceboy... a bug....

Seems like anytime I play L4D with you i'm COVERED in bugs Wink
You can't really blame Spaceboy, extreme will do that to you. I can't even count all the times I accidentally shot Mr Waffles while he came at me from around a corner, or jumped right next to me, or just stood idly close to my blind spot...
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