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Build me a map!..... Please! :D
Hey everybody!

I've been playing a couple training maps recently, specifically tr_airshot_v0 and tr_rocket_shooting2, which has led me to think of a training map that I'd love to see for spy which I don't think anyone has created yet. I've also noted that we have a some awesome map making peeps in the community so I thought I'd just throw my idea out there and see if anyone was good Samaritan enough to actually go ahead and make it for me Smile I know it's asking a lot and I'm not really expecting anyone to do it... but if they did then that'd be awesome Smile

As spy a really useful little technique which I've picked up conceptually from the many better spies than myself out there, is what I'd call the "stair stab". Basically as a spy if you're above an enemy on a slope or on some stairs and they run up towards you it's possible to crouch jump over their head and turn in midair to backstab them, this is really effective as if they don't see it coming it's basically impossible for them to react in time to stop you. The trouble is that though an opportunity to try this occurs enough in game to make it a useful technique, it doesn't happen enough to allow adequate practice (especially given that you pretty much die every time you feck it up) .. hence the need for a training map!

Literally all the map would need to constitute would be a broad, fairly long, staircase with bots spawning at the bottom and running straight up it every 7-10 seconds (could tinker with the timings if this was too quick/slow). Maybe having bots of each of the different classes to give a feel for the different speeds etc. This would give the player the opportunity to jump over and stab people repeatedly until his/her success rate was good enough to rely on in game. It wouldn't need any lighting, it wouldn't need any prettifying at all just a basic little bot factory Smile

This obviously begs the question why I don't get off my lazy ass and do it myself.. to which I would reply that I really have no interest in mapping other than this one little idea I'm proposing now, and no techincal know-how at all (I'm assuming getting bots to spawn and run in a straight line is possible but I don't even know that Grin ). So I'm thinking what would potentially take me a week (with no upside to learning the ropes given that I won't ever want to make any other maps) might take some awesome informed peep 30 minutes to bang out Grin

So anyway that's my pitch, as I said I really don't expect anyone to do it but there's no harm in asking right?! Grin Thanks for reading!

I say make him build it himself!!! He might find out how fun map building is and discover an exciting new hobby!!!

Edited by gooroo on 10-10-2008 19:00

yes he can learn to curse the source sdk like the rest of us muhahahah!
Rofl teh cake
Seconding spaceboys request, whoever builds it, gets to marry my firstborn.
Cpt Obvious
3rding this and you get to marry me

YouTube Video
And just to sideline this slightly for us oldies:

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Don't got getting my hopes up *goes off crying*
If these specials are of a similar quality to the last two seasons - I'd rather stick my balls in a grinder than watch them.... Sullying the memories Sad
Yeah man some of those latter series were unmitigated ass! I think it happened when one of the creator/writer chappies left for a bit and they started filming without a studio audience.
Yeah of the two original writers one did the dirty jokes and one did the clever jokes, I think it was the dirty jokes guy that left can't remember for certain.
The definitions were very broad though and it was more the loss of creative input that affected it than one type of joke disappearing. (my ex flatmate is a huge fan so I get told loads of this sort of useless info)
For anyone who's at all interested.. I have finally found the map I was begging people to create! :

YouTube Video

The map download details are in the description of the video.

Edited by spaceboy on 28-02-2009 15:59

red dwarf better be doing a special Angry
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