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Valve SDK Problem
Last year I started making this CS map in SDK and when I made roof tops for my buildings it created these weird shapes in the same texture above them.Sad

These shapes werent visible in the SDK program when you are creating the map but only appears when you finalise and render the map to play test it.

I tried various things like erasing the roof tops and starting again but same problem occured.

Please could someone help me out I was hoping its a common problem that someone will know how to fix easy but since banging my head against a brick wall trying to fix it Ive stopped working on it and all SDK projects.

Any ideas?
Don Pedro
phone the local council, these structures look unsafe and are clearly a danger to the public
have you built a skybox can't see much evidense of one in piccie.. there are a couple of mappers floating about so hopefully the collective brain will help sort !, myself I'm glad i haven't opened the hammer crash frenzy in a while, is it anymore stable than it was 2 years ago?
Yer I got a sky box up I even highered it because I also thought that might be the issue but still same.

Its so annoying it takes so long to finalise and to still see it there in game after all the editing. I thought about just starting from scratch again but what if it happens again after all that time spent.

Yer im hoping someone might recognise the issue and praying for a easy fix solutionSmile
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