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Dual Core Support for TF2
For those who are interested i reckon this is worth a shot:


your milage may vary & running muiltithreaded on client side with the unstable api may result in more crashing Smile
Yeah I tried doing this a few days ago, significantly cranked my fps and crashed the game twice in an hour. Didn't try with all those commands in though, maybe I'll give it another shot Smile
I tried, it gave me ~10 extra frames in spawn, but when in battle it lagged like a bitch.
Welp, I gave it a go, and no crashing for a good two hours of play! Woohoo!
Im with Abunai.
It stutters like hell when it comes to displaying a lot.
I was ok running around, but when it came to a firefight, it lagged.
Sounds risky to me, I'll stick with the 100+ FPS i get nowGrin
if only i had something funny or clever to put here........
I'm not bothering with this, I have vsync on so it only goes to 60fps. And I have everything on full (16xQ AA and 16x AF), and it stays at 60 fps Cool


nicolastheadept wrote:
I'm not bothering with this, I have vsync on so it only goes to 60fps. And I have everything on full (16xQ AA and 16x AF), and it stays at 60 fps Cool

errmm it would stay at 60fps no matter what with v-sync.. this is fine if when you turn v-sync off its always above 60fps but if the performance dips below the magic 60.. your computer will split the frames & cause other un desired side affects..

consider turing off v-sync to see what your getting & tuning back on if sustained above at least 60fps.. if your steadly getting alot more fps also consider increasing your refresh rate if possible..60Hz sucks and makes my eyes tire quicker..

Edited by sick-lizard on 28-05-2008 19:18

Mr G
Aye at least most monnies get upto 70 / 75 hfz refresh rate, which if ya using v-sync sould increase your fps.


errmm it would stay at 60fps no matter what with v-sync.. this is fine

It doesn't stay at 60 no matter what on mine, it can drop below 60 (see Crysis)

turning of vsync= major tearing Sad
I find 60hz is fine. I also have r_lod 0 Grin
if its dropping below 60fps in crysis then v-sync isn't on in that game! lol
using the dual core tweaks I can't alt tab out of the game without it crashing to desktop Sad

with teh tweaks I was hardly seeing below 100fps in dustbowl & on granery it was in the high 200's!

Edited by sick-lizard on 29-05-2008 08:19

Comes to show what a bunch of slackers Valve are for not finalizing this technique.
Control yourself
Take only what you need from him
Mr G
its a love / hate relationship with valve.

They love to take my money & I hate them for updates.
Your computer won't split frames or anything like that if you have Vsync on and you get less than 60 fps. It will just drop to factors of 60, eg. 30,20,15,10 fps. If you have triple buffering turned on this won't happen as much, but you'll get filthy input lag to make up for it...

Also, any LCD which goes over 75 Hz will probably just be downsampling that to 60 Hz internally and only displaying in 60 Hz...
I never have vsync on. Never have in any game at all and ive been fine so far.
Are there any games that actually utilize dual-core machines effectively ?
I know there are games that have dual-core support, but i mean, are there any that actually make a difference in a good way?
Yeah, Supreme Commander for one will make full use of 2 or more cores. In fact its pretty much too slow to play without a dual core.
Mr G
Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition supports mutli CPU's and its also support Multi GPU's as well. Plus comes with a bench test Smile dx9 avg 40 fps , dx10 avg 35 fps

Edited by Mr G on 04-06-2008 20:05

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