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you know you've played too much tf2 when..


feel free to add on lol
"when you flame your grandmother to see if she is a spy"

I would say:

22.When you see a fat guy in the street, run around him and beat him up with a bat and shout "Eat it, fatty!"
18.When you start singing "Dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah Sing Along!"

71. When you dress up like the cast of TF2

16.When you are writing an exam, return it to the teacher and suddenly hear a woman yelling : "YOU FAILED" aThe music plays and the class screams BOOO


I was chanting #18 on the server the other night, I probably held the chat button down once, I don't remember. Isn't it Come sing with me! though
#71: I've dressed as the medic and considered dressing as demoman/scout
#16: My current favourite thing to yell at people is "YOU FAILED". Then the music plays.

Edited by Ramini on 15-04-2008 11:41

lol my msg tone at the moment is "KABOOOM!!" lol
ringtone's "MEEEEDICCCC, MEEEEEDICCCCC, MEEEEEDICCCC" in the medic's voice lol.. luke gets so annoyed with that lol..
When you start calling vending machines a dispenser and constantly shout put dispenser here when u need some food lol
When you start heavy breathing down your mic.........Don...

I can tell when I've played for too long. Mouse button 5 under my thumb is my mic. If you see/hear me chatting and then silence, but the chat icon is still's because I've forgotten to remove my thumb...usually happens when I'm stoned too.

Umm what else - you enjoy making sigs for other people involving the "poseable" (they always refuse to act how you want) ragdoll characters.

A ringtone of the heavy screaming/laughing as he shoots his mg....well in fact I have a home brew K750i TF2 theme I put together Moonigeek: now that's sad!

Join me in Tribes 2: [url]https://account.hirezstu
Don Pedro
I am intentionally heavy breathing. you know it turns you on.
My mic button is under my thumb and in the heat of the moment i grip it hard...

You know you've played too much TF2 when

1. you have played more than 60 hours in the last 2 weeks
2. people think you heavy breathe by mistake
3. you don't get lost on science
4. you have written 4 ways of knowing how to know when you've played too much TF2

I do love dons heavy breathing its like listneing to whale music calms me downSmile

1. when you go to an interview in all spy gear and quote "all in a days work"
You're sat there at work looking at your manager, imagining steadying the scope and boom headshot.

.... when you own the full spy gear in the first place! lol

I caught mini-pizzza yelling in his sleep the other night "cap the point! CAP THE POINT! -shtoopid pyro!"
Chill =]
When you search youtube for tf2 videos almost every other day

and with don's, i agree on the science one, im growing to like it now i know my way around =D
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